Archaeological Center – one of five research centers of the museum, is structural unit of the museum. The center works in accordance with the theme and structure of the exhibition halls “Archaeology of Kazakhstan” and “Open fund”. In the center there are 8 employees.
Main objective: to study the material and spiritual culture of the ancient population of Kazakhstan on the basis of the archaeological museum collection, enhancing of the scientific potential of the museum archeology.
Main tasks:
- Acquisition, replenishment of archaeological materials;
- Scientific processing of the archaeological collections of the museum;
- Development of exhibition and exposition documentations of relevant topics, the construction of new exhibitions;
- Identifying and study of materials on relevant topics that is stored in the collections of museum, libraries and archives;
- Development and preparation of excursions, lectures on relevant topics with the differential approach to different groups;
- To provide guidance, consultation to guides, museum researchers, representatives of other governmental and non-governmental organizations;
- carrying out of thematic tours (lectures) on expositions, exhibitions;
- Creation of exhibitions and expositions, that popularize history, material culture, archeology, architectural monuments of Kazakhstan;
- Organization of expeditions and scientific trips to identify archaeological sites, carrying out archaeological excavations, search and collection of archaeological materials;
- carrying out of research work on the archaeological collections of the museum. Preparation and publication of collection catalogues, monographs, articles, etc. the results of research activities;
- Popularization of museum collections and publication of various types of scientific and popular literature (bibliography, references, abstracts, booklets, guides, albums, articles, etc.).
Research activities of the Centre
The Central State Museum of Kazakhstan is one of the major archaeological repositories, concentrating materials on ancient and medieval history. The archaeological museum collection was formed from the middle of the 19th century. Nowadays, it consists of about 30 thousand units of storage.
As a significant development in recent years for the museum can be considered a license to carry out archaeological excavations, which enables the creation of our own database of archaeological research, will help to improve the proper level of the systematic study of archaeological sites, as well as replenish the archaeological collection of the museum.
Since 2011 Karatau and Kultobe Museum expedition teams worked in Turkestan and Ordabasy district of South Kazakhstan region. By the Karatau detachment several research sites in Besaryk and Taldysu tracts (Turkestan district) are carried out, which gave a new material on the nomadic tribes of the early Iron Age. Kultobe detachment, led by Doctor of History, Professor A.N. Podushkin investigated monuments of Arys culture, Kultobe settlement and surrounding kurgans in Southern Kazakhstan. The resulting materials are published in scientific and popular publications.
It may be noted that the fund collection has been well studied by the museum staff, most of the relics are published in the Proceedings of the Museum, in the conferences and in foreign publications. In 2011 by the staff of Archaeological Center of the Museum was prepared and published a catalog “Culture of Saks and Wusuns of Kazakhstan in the archaeological collections of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan” in volume of 40 sheets.
One of the peculiar forms of publication of museum sources are the museum exhibits and exhibitions. The Exposition Hall “Archaeology” reflects the ancient and medieval history of Kazakhstan in the context of world history, the history of Eurasia, Central Asia, the history of the Turkic peoples and nomadic civilizations. The basis of the construction principles of the exposition are historical and chronological and complex thematic. The exhibition is based on thematic complexes located in chronological order.
Unique stratum of cultural heritage of the country, claimed by many world museums is the exhibition of the archaeological collections. Worthy to note a series of international exhibitions organized in cooperation with the Museum in Germany, Korea, UAE, France.
In 2010 treasure of Saka world – archaeological gold from Shilikty, Zhalauly and Kargaly treasures, early 20th century finds from the Pokrov kurgan Sarmatian monuments of Western Kazakhstan were presented at the Museum (Guimet) in Paris at the exhibition “Kazakhstan. People, animals and the gods of the steppes”. The exhibition concept was developed as a result of discussions and consultations with experts of the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan and the Guimet Museum staff. It is based on the desire to demonstrate to the French audience diversity and richness of the culture of ancient and medieval nomads of Kazakhstan, the history and uniqueness of Kazakh culture – the heirs of the ancient nomads’ civilization.
The Museum exhibition materials were published by in the form of a colorfully decorated catalogue of articles. Of particular note is the fact of the concluded on the state level of an agreement on mutual cooperation of the Museum with the Guimet.
In 2012 the Archaeological Collection of gold, was presented at the exhibition “Nomads and networks: The Ancient Art and Culture of Kazakhstan” in the United States – in the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University and at the Freer and Sackler Galleries of Smithsonian Institution in Washington. The exhibition has been evaluated by the public as a work of high art and achievement of world culture. By the opening of the exhibition in New York a catalogue with articles of US scientists and Kazakhstan are issued. This collection at the Mining Museum in Bochum (Germany) “From the heart of Eurasia: Treasures of Ancient Kazakhstan” was exhibited.
Center for Anthropology and Ethnology
In 2000 Anthropology and Ethnology Centre was established. In the period of 2004-2006 the consisted of two sectors: the Kazakh ethnography and diaspora, history and culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan. Since 2007, the department was called ethnology, and in 2008 united with the Research Laboratory of Anthropology and received the title Center of Anthropology and Ethnology.
The main objective of the Centre: conducting of ethnographic and anthropological research on the basis of the fund collections of the museum.
One of the main tasks of the Center is replenishment and gatheringof the museum fund, related to the history and culture of the Kazakhs and representatives of other ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan.
Center for Anthropology and Ethnology systematically conducts comprehensive research on diverse scientific topics and trends, which are based on historical and cultural studies.
Kazakh culture of the 19th early 21st centuries is one of the complex museum themes, which is the basis of ethnological research. In the study of the museum collections taken into account trends of traditional system of subsistence and spiritual culture: material culture; economy; applied art; military, weapons and munitions; folk knowledge; spiritual culture; religion and worldview, etc. Work on reveal and collecting of materials, both in Kazakhstan and abroad (for example, scientific archeografic trips, ethnographic expeditions), extracted from the scientific literature relating to the topic under study are carried out.
The Centre has been studying materials from primary sources relating to Kazakh ethnography for use in ethnographic writing and attribution of museum items. Based on the study of materials and museum items that are stored in above-mentioned funds practically implement the scientific certification, attribution and detailed scientific description.
Studying of ethno odontological aspects of Kazakhstan’s population (from the Bronze Age to the present) is one of the areas of Anthropological Research of Center, which is carried out in the framework of the primary laboratory processing of odontological materials, univariate and multivariate statistical analyzes on these materials. On the basis of these studies comparative tables dendrograms, histograms and polygonsare compiled. Cleaning, restoration, classification of teeth on quadrant, as well as statistical analysis of all the studied materials are also carried out.
Along withthe study of the Kazakh traditional heritage Center also examines the history and culture of other nationalities living in Kazakhstan. Result of this work is the exhibition “Kazakh Diaspora” in the third hall of the museum.
Since 2005, over the past 10 years, within the framework of Strategic State Program “Cultural Heritage” of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Center implemented research work on “Ethnographic collection from the Russian Ethnographic Museum collection on the traditional culture of Kazakhs”.Researchwork on the systematization and attribution of REM (RF) fund collections was carried out. Subject of scientific laboratoryexamination within the scientific project is a unique collection of samples of traditional culture, which are stored in the collections of the Russian Ethnographic Museum on history, culture and life of Kazakhs. The chronology of the collection is from 19th till 20th Centuries.
Since 2010-2014 ethnographic encyclopedia «Қазақтың этнографиялық категориялар, ұғымдар мен атауларының дәстүрлi жүйесi» (“The traditional system of ethnographic categories, concepts and names of the Kazakhs”) in 5 volumes, alphabetically from “A” to “Z” inclusive of 85 p/l., in which (in each volume), includes about 10,000 articles with illustrationswas published.
Center for the study of the history of Kazakhstan
The Center for the Study of the History of Kazakhstan is one of five research centers, structural unit of the museum. The center works in accordance with the theme and chronology of the 4th and 3rd exhibition halls on the history of Kazakhstan. The Center has three employees.
The main purpose is to study the history and culture of Kazakhstan on the basis of the fund collections of the museum and their formation in the context of the research.
The center conducts research and development work on the most important aspects of the history of Kazakhstan, and introduces for wide circles the results of these studies in museum practice. Creates a documentary base on various topics related to the history and culture of Kazakhstan. The Centre carries out scientific and fund work is also involved (study and describes photographs, the scientific passport and certificates, prepare to publish scientific catalogs, etc.). The center conducts exposition, cultural and educational work (preparing methodological texts for excursions to thematic lessons). For replenishment of the museum fund and informative database is working with the scientific literature, collects information from oral informants.
Main objectives:
- Participation in the acquisition of museum collections with historical and cultural value, objects of museum values on various aspects of the history of Kazakhstan;
- Research of the history of Kazakhstan and museology;
- Development of documentation for exhibitions and displays relevant topics;
- Identify and study materials on relevant topics that are stored in the collections of museums, libraries and archives;
- Development and preparation of excursions, lectures on relevant topics in accordance with the differentiated approach;
- To provide guidance, consultation of guides, museum researchers, representatives of other governmental and non-governmental organizations;
- Carrying out of thematic tours (lectures) for expositions, exhibitions;
- Creation of exhibitions and expositions, that popularize the history of Kazakhstan;
- Organizing of historical and cultural expeditions and scientific trips to collect objects of museum value;
- Conducting research works on museum collections. Preparation and publication of catalogs of museum collections, monographs, articles, etc.
Center of museum source study and manuscripts
For the first time the museum’s department of source study and manuscripts was opened in 1999. In 2006 the department was transformed into the center of the museum source study and manuscripts.
The main objective of the center: selection, determination, inventory, scientific certification, scientific cataloging, studying from the source study view of written records – rare manuscripts and editions, and exhibits related to numismatics, heraldry, epigraphy, bonistics, philately, postal cards as well.
Main tasks:
- Study of the originals in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Chahgatai, Tatar and old Kazakh (cursive), other languages which is in the collection of the CSM RK;
- Study of the eastern numismatics collection;
- Organization of thematic exhibitions that promote the history and culture of Kazakhstan;
- Updating the static display;
- Replenishment of new exhibits of the museum;
- Preparing and giving lectures and tours for different groups of young people and population;
- Organization of scientific trips to collect materials of museum value on the history and culture of Kazakhstan;
- The study of written monuments found on the territory of Kazakhstan and abroad; The study of archival materials on the history and culture of Kazakhstan;
- Working with the materials from the collections of the museum and scientific library of the museum;
- Provide methodological and consultative museum guides, researchers, representatives of various governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Museum funds
Inventory group
Fund inventory group is structural unit of the museum, that provides safety and maintenance of registration and archival documentation of the museum.
Since 2006, inventory department was renamed the fund inventory group.
The main directions of the group:
- Reception and primary inventory of museum items;
- filling of inventory records;
- Encryption exhibits on the material and safekeeping storage of curators;
- Participation in the verification and reception and transmission of museum items and control the timing of inventory,
- Maintaining protocols and participates in the meeting of the stock-selection committee,
- providing fast and accurate search of artifacts that are on the state inventory by conducting reference file;
- Lectures and training of museum staff, trainees from regional and other museums of the republic, university students, etc.
Group stuff takes part in research projects of the museum.
Group of fund keeping
Since 2006 fund department of the CSM RK renamed to group of fund keeping. Keeping of museum items, organizing into collections, types of sources, material is distributed in 15 depositories that are on the liability of specialists on fund keeping.
The main task of the fund keeping group is to ensure the safety of the museum values, to protect the monuments from destruction, the possibility of theft and corruption, as well as to create favorable conditions for their study and promotion. The duties of the group experts include direct storage of collections.
Specialists of Group involved in the scientific inventory, certification, development of scientific classification of the museum fund, in the construction of thematic exhibitions and jointly with academic staff in the construction of expositions, and also takes part in research projects of the museum. Group specialists in the program of the electronic catalogue “Museolog” are also involved.
Museologist is a computer program to create information catalogues of museum collections, in other words, the electronic catalogue. Electronic catalogue – a tool by which the museum is implementing the following tasks:
- Preservation of the museum collection;
- Inventory and management of the collection;
- Collection study in order to improve knowledge about the exhibit;
- Providing public access to the collection.
In addition, the program “Museologist” contributes to the creation of scientific and institutional database that enables efficient systematization – inventory, identification and cataloging of museum items, i.e. scientific – research work as a whole.
Restoration center
Department of Restoration Center was established in 1986. At the root of the Center for restoration there were experienced specialists who laid the methods of restoration of monuments on the basis of long-term observation and practice in areas such as: graphics, ceramics, soft equipment, wood, leather, bone, metal. Restorers R.R. Aspandiarova, G.A. Kaldybaeva, Zh. M. Abdulkadyrova – on graphics, M. Zh. Nurpeisov, M. R. Ilyasova, A. Seifullin on ceramics, O. Krasina, N. Medvedeva, L. Shangina, G. Ch. Muzaparova on soft inventory, P. Bakanov, N. Zhailaubaeva, M.G. Kenieva on wood, Zh. Umbetov, E. Daubayev, N. Bektursynov on leather, P. Mykapylo, V. Kiyaykin, A.Seisekenov, N. Zhirenchiev on metal.
Nowadays at the Center of restoration work nine painter restorers of highest category are working: graphics – T.N. Duzhnova, A.K. Sadvakasova, painting – Sh. S. Tursynbayeva, ceramics – A.M. Kurakbayev, metal, leather, wood – R. Zh. Bektursyn; B.S. Shaikenov; R.T. Sonarbayev; A.A. Zhanibekov; on carpet-felt and fabrics – D.T. Ibrayeva by whom only in 2013 was restored 279 units of storage, paintings 5 units of storage, graphics 70 units of storage, carpet-felt products 5 units of storage, pottery 12 units of storage, metal, leather, wood 187 units of storage, in relation to operational needs and urgent exposition installation 380 units of storage.
The Restoration Centre’s mission is the returning into life of the cultural values – valuable documents, manuscripts, exhibits of archaeological finds of historical value. Waiting for their turn, items that require a long and painstaking work weapons exhibits, of clothing fund, carpet and felt products, oil painting, drawing, ceramics. The restorers of the Central Museum are occupied by an important work for the conservation of the spiritual heritage of Kazakhstan, study materials and technology to create the exhibit, the causes of damage or disorders of the original view and identify ways to eliminate them. The department carries out its work at the request and on the instructions of curators. The Centre provides scientific and technical assistance in the field of restoration to other museums of the Republic.
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The Restoration Center annually receives for training museum employees from all regions of Kazakhstan in all directions in the field of restoration, as well as providing scientific and methodological assistance. Restoration Center is aimed at systematic study of new technologies in the field of restoration work on different kinds of materials and objects, including work with new materials, is seeking ways to find optimal solutions for restoration, directly involved in the preparation of exhibits to traveling exhibitions.
The museum address:
Almaty, KarasaiBatyr str. (crossing Abylai khan aven.), 61/67, Apt. 78. Tel. +7(727) 2726369
Working time: 9: 30-17: 30. Day off: Saturday, Sunday.
The museum is located in Zhubanovs-Mambetovs apartment. The Memorial Museum consists of a musical salon and 2 exhibition halls having been the working rooms of father and daughter. The environment in which composers lived and worked is maximally preserved. A unique exhibit of musical salon where creative meetings are held is a piano of the leading figure of the Kazakh musical culture, Akhmet K. Zhubanov.
In the show cases are the photos, music and manuscripts, personal items, souvenirs, tools, posters, musical scores, books, reflecting the life and work of the great figures of the musical culture of the 20th century of Akhmet and Gaziza Zhubanovs, left a huge musical, literary and scientific heritage.
Museum staff conducts tours and lectures on the following subjects:
1. “The Life and Work of Akhmet and Gaziza Zhubanovs”. History of the Memorial Museum – tour.
2. “Joint work of Gaziza Zhubanova and Azerbaijan Mambetov in theater and cinema” – tour.
3. “Kudaibergen Zhubanov- founder of the Kazakh scientific linguistics, elder brother and spiritual mentor of Akhmet Zhubanov” – lecture.
4. “The role of G. Zhubanova in the world art of the 20th century” – lecture.
5. “Kurmangazy”, reads A. Zhubanov – lecture-concert on CD.