The museum fund contains unique photos of ethnographic expeditions of the first half of the 20th century headed by A.L. Melkov, S.I. Rudenko, A.M. Zhirenchin, as well as photographs from the collection of N.N. Pantusov, D.P. Bagayev and others.It is a collection of more than 108 thousand exhibits on the history of social and political life of the country, ethnography, the culture and life of the Kazakhs and the peoples of the republic.
Documentary photographs of the late 19th – early 20th Centuries.
Collection of photographic documents of the late 19th – early 20th centuries, consists of materials collected during anthropological and ethnological expeditions in Kazakhstan in the late 19th – early 20th centuries by N.Pantusov, S.I. Rudenko, S.M.Dudin, A.L.Melkov and Semipalatinsk Statistical Committee. In addition to the materials of the expedition the photos that united on subject are of great interest. They way of life of the Kazakh people of this period are reflected. Most of the exhibits are the originals. Among them are unique artifacts: document with the only autograph of S.Toraigyrov; letter of commendationsigned by I.Altynsarin;photo collection of N.Pantusov; diary of Aulieata campaign (1864) M.S.Znamensky. History of Northern Kazakhstan of 1920-30ies is presented in a series of photographs of D.P.Bagaev, Pavlodar professional photographer who created a half-century chronicle of the city and region. Photos to the everyday life of the Kazakh people of the last centuryare introduced. A great contribution incollection formation made Director of CSM of Kazakh SSR 1942-1951 A.M.Zhirenchin. Under his leadership complex historical and ethnographic expeditions in Kazakhstan: Semipalatinsk, Pavlodar, Karaganda and Kostanai regions, which resulted in written and photo documentarycollection, were organized. The museum contains photographs of 50-60s, KazTAG materials, reflecting the development of science, culture, education, construction and architecture of Kazakhstan.

Багаев Д.П. "Павлодар. Улица Ленина". 1929 г.

Фото из коллекции Пантусова Н.

Мелков А.Л. "Изготовление веретена" 1928 г.
Collection of Visual Anthropology
Visual Anthropology – newly established social anthropology section that explores the visual parameters of society and is based on the assumption that different cultures often contain predominantly visual component, i.e., look different. Visual can be fixed in various ways, including photographs, postcards, negatives, films and videos.
In photodocumentary Fund there is a collection of unique postcards, published in the early 20th century. Cards by publishers are issued “Scherer, Nabgolts & Co.” contractor of A.S.Suvorin and Co., I.A.Bek-Nazarov press, Tashkent, etc. The postcards landscapes, views of cities, trade, genre scenes depicting the life of the Kazakhs and the peoples of Central Asia at the late19th–early 20th century isdepicted. Rare samples of cards, some of them exist in a single copy are historical documents and are not only an important source of informative, but also represent a historical and artistic value, is of particular interest to the scientists, ethnographers, historians and art historians.
At the late 19th century various expeditions studying the Kazakh land and its people have become particularly numerous. One of these expeditions headed by S.M.Dudin, photographer, artist, ethnographer. The result of the expedition was to a large number of photos, album of Kazakh ornament and some items on the ethnography of the Kazakhs.
Collection on social and political life of Kazakhstan of the 20th century
The main part of the fund collections chronologically covers the entire 20th century. The collection contains photographs of the Civil War 20-30ies, collectivization, industrialization, the recovery period, as well as memorials of the Great Patriotic War; twice Hero of the Soviet Union – Talgat Bigeldinov; Hero of the Soviet Union, “Halyk Kakharmany” soldier-writer – B. Momyshuly, partisan Adi Sharipov et al., Heroes of Socialist Labor – rice farmer Ibrai Zhakhaev, tractor driver Kamshat Donenbaeva, virgin materials reflecting the main milestones in the history of our state. A significant place in this period is given to reportage shots of party congresses, conferences, and heads of party organs of the republic. A special place occupies photographs that reflect the cultural life of the republic at that period. Great contribution to the formation of the museum’s collection made by well-known figures of the Kazakh culture, literature and art, scientists, historians, politicians, including K. Satpaev, M. Auezov, S. Seifullin, A. Kasteyev, G. Musrepov, G. Mustafin , K. Badyrov, Sh. Aymanov, E. Umurzakov, M.Tulebaev, A. Margulan, K.Akishev, K.Kenzhetaev, U.Dzhanibekov, the first explorer of Kazakhstan soil A.I. Bezsonova and many others. Videos “In space Talgat” (about the first cosmonaut of Kazakhstan), “Echo of December events”, “TCO” et al., pictures of the “Nevada – Semei” movement. Documentaries on local war in Afghanistan.
December events in 1986 became the beginning of the history of Kazakhstan in the formation of an independent state, the turning point of people’s destiny. The museum has photographs of personal complexes of participants of December events, as well as books on the subject.
Since 1991, Kazakhstan became independent. Photographs devoted to the First President of Kazakhstan, as well as exhibits reflecting the process of becoming of new capital of our country – Astana, materials about the economy, education, health, culture, science and sport of independent Kazakhstan – Kazakhstani photos, taking part in the Asian Games in 2011are of particular interest. The funds are materials of the OSCE and the UN.