Total number of rare manuscripts, books, written sources that are housed in the collection of documentary photographs of CSM RK is more than 410 units. Among them 220 units of storage are materials on the history and culture of Kazakhstan.
Rare books and manuscripts of religious content
The funds are kept over 30 Koranicpublications and religious books published in the 1770-1925, in the city of Kazan, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Orenburg, Tashkent, Samarkand. The oldest of the holdings of the Museum of handwritten Koran written in 1643 (1054 AH). Among the religious books are found editions printed in Turkey, India and Egypt.
Rare books and publications in the Kazakh language
The collection includes manuscripts and books of prominent personalities who have left their indelible mark on the history and culture of the Kazakh people. Invaluable role of manuscripts that came from the pen of the great poet Abai (Ibrahim) Kunanbayev (1845-1904), written in Kazakh language by Arabic script. Among the unique creations can be attributed the manuscript “A few words about the origin of the Kazakhs” written in 1899. Also significantly multiply the value of manuscript funds of the poet’s work, written by his son, Turagul in 1925-1927 and works of Abai, rewritten by MurseitBikiuly.
Besides, in the collection there are kept “Abai”, “Aikap”, “Aieltendіgі”, “Tіlshі”, “Sholpan” magazines, which published articles of Alashorda figures.

Рукопись Мухамеджан Сералина. Генеалогия рода ходжа

Рукопись. Священный Коран. В конце XIX – начале XX вв.