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01.10.2015 The exhibition of German artists paintings

In the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of the "Week of Germany in Kazakhstan" in cooperation with the German public associations of Kazakhstan "Revival", with the support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Germany, on 1st October, 2015 at 16.30 will open the exhibition of German artists paintings.

In the year of the 20th anniversary of the People's Assembly of Kazakhstan the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan continues to acquaint the residents and guests of Almaty city with the cultural heritage of representatives of various ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan. This year has already carried out the thematic exhibitions "Festival of Friendship", "My family, my country, my history" and others. At this time, at the exhibition works of German artists, who created paintings in Kazakhstan of fund collections of Museum of Fine Arts (Karaganda) and the Regional History Museum (Taraz) were displayed. The rich cultural heritage of the German ethnic group, reflecting the events which led to the changes that took place in the history and culture of  the people from the time of the deportation to the present day in pictures of Vladimir Eifert, Leonid Brummer, Heinrich Vogeler, and many other artists were represented. At the exhibition more than 160 paintings, made in different techniques: landscapes, still lifes, portraits, made by pastel, oil, watercolors, ink, pig's blood were presented. The works reflect a kind of slice of life in the transcription of undeveloped national identity, cultural dialogue between epochs within a single ethnic group. The works of masters like information about their lives, going to for years. Today, these collections are unique. Unfortunately, no evidence of repressed artists as A.G.Heinze, P.Paule, Rikkele, Filgere, E.Shmidte, Brunner who worked in Karaganda in 30-60s of the twentieth century.

The event will be attended by representatives of the German Consulate in Almaty, ethno-cultural associations of the Republic, media, partner organizations of the Association of Germans of Kazakhstan "Revival".

The exhibition will run until 8th October, 2015.

German artists of Kazakhstan German artists of Kazakhstan
German artists of Kazakhstan German artists of Kazakhstan

30.09.2015 An exhibition "The World of Abai"

On 30th September, 2015 at 15. 00 in the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan holds the exhibition "The World of Abai".

World of AbaiAn exhibition "The World of Abai" dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet Abai (Ibrahim) Kunanbayev (1845-1904) the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the Semei regional historical museum were organized.

Works of outstanding Kazakh poet (1845-1904) - a unique creations, the summit of the spiritual world of the Kazakh people. Acquaintance, cognition, revival, propaganda of Abai works for the Kazakhs, as well as for the Turkic-speaking peoples - historical duty, an obligation. The legacy of Abai - an inexhaustible treasure of the people, those not lose its importance over the centuries.

At the exhibition manuscripts, books and publications of Abai Kunanbayev (1845-1904), kept in the funds of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan were exhibited. Among them, notably the unique composition of Abai Kunanbayev "A few words about the origin of the Kazakhs" now recognized by scientists as "Abai’s", manuscript of Murseit Bikiuly (1860-1917), which brings together works of the poet's, manuscript of Turagul Abaiuly (1875-1934) "The famous Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbayev", as well as publication issued by Kakitai and Turagul, "Poem of Kazakh poet Ibrahim Kunanbayev" published in 1909 in St. Petersburg are of great interest.

At the exhibition "Abai" journal, prepared by members of the "Alashorda" party in Semei in 1918, the novel of M.Auezov "Dashing time" and the manuscript of Akhat Shakarimuly Kudaiberdiev (1900-1984), rewritten and typed from Arabic graphic to the Cyrillic alphabet.

Along with this, manuscripts and publications written in the Kazakh language by Latin script "Youthful poems of Abai", "According to Musiralielder" and "Abai Kunanbayev. Selected Poems" were exhibited.

Dombra of Dilda, senior wife of Abai, stand-fork for the golden eagle and togyzkumalak (mental game) of Abai, borik (headdress) of his brother Iskak, camisole of Mansura, the pupil of his younger brother Ospan and lately joined in the museum shezhire (chronicle) of relatives and descendants of Abai, created in 1987 by Azat Arhamuly Iskakov and previously unknown photos and others are also exhibited.

The exhibition will be located in the central area of the 4th floor.

 The exhibition runs until 31st December, 2015.

World of Abai World of Abai
World of Abai World of Abai
World of Abai World of Abai

26.08.2015 The Exhibition «My Country. My family. My history», dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Year of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

On 26th August, 2015 at 15:00 Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan held the exhibition «My Country. My family. My history», dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Year of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

The exhibition were organizedjointly by the Central Museum in collaboration with the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, Almaty, KSU "Қоғамдық келісім" Office of the mayor of Almaty city, the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State Archive of Cinema and sound recordings of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the exhibition is to reveal the historical role and the political-legal importance of the Basic Law of the State - the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. That reflects the will of the people of Kazakhstan, his desire for the approval of the country as a democratic, secular, legal and social state, whose highest values are an individual, his life, rights and freedom, which legislate the equality of all nationalities living in Kazakhstan and provide an opportunity for the development of cultures, languages and traditions of all ethnic groups of the country.

The exhibition is located on the 3 floor of the museum and will run until 3rd September, 2015.

20-летие Коституции Казахстана 20-летие Коституции Казахстана
connstit20-3 20-летие Коституции Казахстана
20-летие Коституции Казахстана 20-летие Коституции Казахстана


Museum of chocolate Nikolya

Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan,Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan and "Nikolya" Chocolate Museum for the first time in Kazakhstan presents an exhibition of chocolate products of talented chocolatier Nikolai Popov, timed to the Day ofthe Almaty city.

As part of a world tour, the famous author's exhibition "Nikolya Chocolate Museum"  visited more than 40 cities in the world and has attracted a large number of visitors - more than 500,000 people. Now residents and guests of Almaty city will have a unique opportunity to experience both the history of chocolate and chocolate products with the famous master-chocolatier Nikolai Popov, as well as learn how to create chocolate wonders by own hands participating in various events and workshops.

On the exhibition will be presented 300 chocolate art works of the highest quality - chocolate and marzipan sculptures, chocolate paintings framed in chocolate baguettes, chocolate miniatures, installations and compositions weighing more than 700 kg!

Especially for this exhibition and the Day of the Almaty city, the famous chocolatier Nikolya has prepared a series of chocolate art works dedicated to the Republic of Kazakhstan and our beautiful city. The highlight of the exhibition will be chocolate copies of some of the exhibits presented in the exposition of the Central State Museum - Kazakh national ornaments, headdresses, clothing and other.

During the exhibition will be organized a series of different activities and events, such as:

  • Author master-class with the participation of well-known figures of culture and art;
  • Presentation of chocolate exhibits dedicated to Almaty city;
  • Master-classes on working with chocolate and marzipan.

Paintings, chocolate museum exhibits, sculptures and even entire chocolate installation - all merged into a single composition plunges us into a fantastic world of "Nikolya Chocolate Museum”.

On the occasion of the "Day of the Almaty city" the first 1000 visitors (on a pre-purchased entrance tickets) will receive an exclusive chocolate souvenir from the organizers of the exhibition!

The exhibition runs from 23rdSeptember, 2015. Entrance fee.

Museum of chocolate Nikolya Museum of chocolate Nikolya

Venue: Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Samal-1, 44.

For more information call: +7 (727) 264 46 50, 264 55 77.

Выставка-ярмарка ремесленного искусства "Золотое яблоко"

20-21 сентября 2014 г. Центральный Государственный музей Республики Казахстан и Центр декоративно-прикладного искусства «Бахыт» проводят традиционную Центрально-Азиатскую выставку-ярмарку народных ремесел «Золотое яблоко», посвященную Дню города Алматы.

21 сентября 2014 года Алматы отмечает День города. День города – это уже полюбившийся жителями города праздник, который стал традиционным, ежегодным и самым ярким событием в жизни алматинцев. День Алматы символизирует успех и развитие мегаполиса, самого крупного и густонаселенного города Казахстана.

Главная цель праздника - развитие у горожан чувства заботы и любви к своему городу, понимание своей причастности к его социальному и культурному развитию и стремление сделать Алматы самым лучшим городом!

Из года в год масштаб праздника расширяет свои границы. День рождения города не ограничивается одним днем празднования, мероприятия проходят в течение месяца.

ЦГМ РК и Центр декоративно-прикладного искусства «Бахыт» в рамках празднования «Дня города Алматы» 20-21 сентября проводят традиционную ежегодную Центрально-Азиатскую выставку-ярмарку народных ремесел с участием более 150 народных мастеров со всех регионов Казахстана, а также Кыргызстана, Таджикистана, Туркменистана, Узбекистана и России. На выставке «Золотое яблоко» вниманию посетителей будет представлен огромный выбор подарочной и сувенирной продукции, символом которой является «яблоко». «Яблоко» является одним из самых узнаваемых символов в мире, широко используемый как символ знаний, надежды, мудрости, любви, семейного счастья, материнства, долголетия, к тому же яблоко является символом нашего города - Алматы.

Мастера декоративно-прикладного искусства перенесли этот символ в свои изделия: картины, ювелирные украшения, панно, гобелены, изделия из войлока, кожи, батика. Продукция с изображением яблока подойдет в подарок любому, как взрослому, так и ребенку. Иметь дома предмет искусства с изображением яблока значит привлечь к себе достаток и благополучие.

Центрально-Азиатская выставка-ярмарка ремесел насыщена интересной программой - это знакомство с изделиями ремесленников, проведение мастер-классов по керамике, концертная программа с выступлением различных творческих коллективов, ежедневный розыгрыш лотореи с лотами от известных мастеров декоративно-прикладного искусства, викторина, ярмарка яблок от садоводов г. Алматы. В кинозале пройдет демонстрация фотоматериалов из фондовой коллекции музея, посвященная истории города Алматы. Посещение ярмарки станет для всей семьи познавательным и увлекательным путешествием в мир декоративно-прикладного искусства.

Официальное открытие выставки-ярмарки: 20 сентября 2014 г. в 10-00 Время работы выставки-ярмарки: 20-21 сентября, с 9.00 до 18.00

Вход на выставку-ярмарку – 100 тенге, Серийный номер билета является номером для участия в розыгрыше лотереи

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