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Support services

Units for maintenance and service of the museum building

In 2008 division for the maintenance of the building on the basis of operation of the building was founded. The department serves 21.500 square meters of area building and 2.8 hectares of land. The need to create the department due to the need to coordinate the interaction of departments, whichensure normal functioning of technical services. The main objective of the Department to provide, together with pneumatic pumpinstallations and sanitary servicesdepartments, KIPA and electrical services, ensure the safety of the building and fire safety, uninterrupted supply of museum with heat and water, electricity, as well as control the serviceability of fire extinguishing systems and fire alarm systems. The work of the technical departments is organized round-the-clock, in shifts, which ensures uninterrupted operation of engineering services systems. Heating of the museum are supplied by radiators and 10 ventilation systems, deliver the heated air in the exhibition halls, storage and administrative part of the building. Power supply is delivering through TS (transformer station) of 100 kW. Fire safety is ensured by gas station connected with sensors installed in all rooms, which are displayed on the control panel. Security alarm is equipped with modern sensors and CCTV monitored on the remote control protection. In addition, by employees of the department made constant cleaning of museum, a renovation of equipment, replacement of locks, doors, maintenance of buildings (offices), furniture, preparing venues for exhibitions and other events are conducted.

Exposure storing

To ensure the security and storage of collections of the museum exposition was established exposure protection department, which in 2008 was renamed the group to ensure the storage of exposure. Liability of staff group is to maintain a protective environment for the exposition and constant checking of exposure; sanitary work, permanent monitoring of temperature and humidity, lighting, windows and roomsare conducted. Together with scientists and curators aremonthly held general cleaning of halls, cleaning of case shows and exhibits, if necessary exhibits hand over to the restoration or preservation. During the work with visitors exhibits keepers indicate the viewing area, not allowedto touch the artifacts of any type byvisitors (even metal can corrode due to sebum), firmly but carefully monitor the conduct of children's excursions.

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