Museum practice for students
Modern communication model of the museum provides the development of all shapes and collaboration with different audiences. The students, along with pupils, comprise a significant category of museum audiences. One of the main traditional forms of work with students, has not lost its significance today is a museum practice for students of universities and colleges.
The main purpose of museum practice is to familiarize students with the nature and characteristics of the organization of museum work, with the main activities of the museum.
Practice program for students is aimed at acquaintance with the basics of museology and involvement in cultural and educational activities of the museum, consolidation of knowledge acquired by students during the learning process in the field of scientific-fund work, museum pedagogy, management and marketing, collection and study of museum objects, development of new technologies in the museum affair, acquisition of skills, involvement to museum's exhibitions and events.
Organization of museum practice for students is carried out according to the agreement with the university or college and held in the museum, which includes guided tours of the museum exhibition halls, discussions, workshops, lectures, development and defend of individual and group projects , participate in contests, quizzes and other creative tasks. During the practice students keep a diary of every day of practice, after the student passes test on practice and supervisor gives to each student a review of his work. All calculations are carried out according to the current price list for services and works in the museum.
Museum practice includes various interdisciplinary areas of human knowledge related to history, ethnography, archeology, literature, art history and artistic education of students, as well as the practice is carried out for students studying in the field of financial and economic activities, management and marketing, journalism and PR-work.
The main directions of museum practice:
- The functions of museum institutions. Classification of museums. Features of Historical Museum. Structural divisions of the museum.
- The main directions of the fund work: acquisition, registration, storage, and so on. The scientific organization of funds. State registration of museum collections. Protection and preservation of museum items. Familiarity with museum collections.
- Restoration and conservation of museum items.
- Basic principles and methods of construction of the exposition. Subject construction of the museum exhibition, the use of exhibition materials.Exposition complexes. Concept. Structure. Artistic decision. Labeling.
- Scientific - research work, project activity in the CSM RK.
- Cultural and educational activities. Museum pedagogics.
- Management and Marketing.
- Financial and economic activity of the museum.
Lectures given by museum professionals within the practice
- The electronic cataloging of the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan (from the experience of implementation of the program "Museolog")
- The structure and composition of the fund collections of CSM RK
- State registration and movement of funds
- Methods of restoration of watercolor works (drawings, sketches)
- The restoration works (pastel, charcoal, graphite, pencil)
- Restoration of documents (certificates, diplomas)
- The technology of oil painting restoration
- Filling of losses, joining by "butt" method
- Strengthening of paint and ground
- Restoration of carpet-feltproducts (syrmak, tekemet)
- The method of restoration of damaged and destroyed ceramic products
- Restoration of exhibits of metal (jewelry of silver and gold)
- Advertising and PR-activities of the museum
- Social partnership as a basis for communication policy of the museum
- Management and Marketing in museums
- New technologies in museum management and marketing
- Design technology in the cultural and educational activities of the museum
- Project "Night at the Museum"
- Organization and conduct of charity events
- Museum pedagogy: interactive educational programs
- Scientific Library at the CSM RK
- Principles and methods of museum items preservation in Photodocumentary fund
- Principles and methods of museum items preservation in the collection of natural history collection:paleontology, geology, zoology, botany, documentary photographs on the nature of Kazakhstan
- Principles and methods of museum items preservation in the collection of clothes
- Principles and methods of museum items preservation in the collection of negatives, audio and video
- Principles and methods of museum items preservation in the collection of precious metals.
Lectures, excursion and consultations by highly qualified museum professionals are carried out.
Colleges and universities cooperating with the CSM RK:
- Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University,
- University of Foreign Languages and Business Career,
- Almaty branch of the St. Petersburg University of Humanities,
- AbaiKazakh National Pedagogical University
- Academy of Economics and Statistics,
- Symbat Academy of Design and Technology,
- Universities "Kainar" and "Turan"
- Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
- Esik Humanitarian and Economic College,
- Almaty College of Decorative and Applied Arts named after O. Tansykbaev,
- Almaty State College of service and technology.