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24.10.2024 The exhibition "Types of awards (according to the faleristic materials of the Central Museum)"

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan on October 24, 2024 at 15:00., on the eve of the national holiday – Republic Day, the opening ceremony of the exhibition "Types of awards (according to the faleristic materials of the Central Museum)" will take place.

Phaleristics is a department of historical sciences that studies orders and medals, various badges (honorary, jubilee, organizational, corporate, souvenir and commemorative of graduation).

Award badges and their other types are an official symbol that evaluates the personal courage and heroism of a person, as well as special achievements and merits of citizens in the scientific field, political, economic, socio-public, historical and cultural life of the state.

The main part of the exhibition includes relics from the periods of Tsar Russia (XIX century), the Soviet Union (XX century) and the independent Republic of Kazakhstan (XX-XXI centuries). In particular, in order to demonstrate achievements and merits in state, public and military service, the originals of the collection of orders and medals, various documents and photographs from the fund of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan are exhibited.

From a chronological point of view, from the Phaleristic collection of the museum presented at the exhibition, it is worth noting the ancient foreign award. This is a commemorative medal issued in 1655 in honor of the opening of the new city hall in Amsterdam.

afisha 24.10.2024

The exhibition also presents award badges for military personnel and related documents issued by decree of the tsars of Russia who ruled in different periods, as well as historical badges of various degrees related to participation in wars that took place in other countries. This series includes the badge "For Diligence", issued in 1801 by decree of Tsar Alexander I to reward citizens who rendered various services to the state.

The exhibition will feature the original of the Decree of 1820 of Tsar Alexander I on awarding the title of an official of the 12th rank to Baiten, the foreman of the Middle Zhuz, copies of the certificates of 1836 on awarding sultans Sanali Myrzagaliev with a gold medal and Bekbatyr Kalkamanov with a silver medal, the Decree of Tsar Nicholaus II on awarding the St. George Cross of the Semirechensk Cossack army. It is also possible to note the historical materials presented in the exhibition about the participants of the anniversary in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty and the persons who received awards.

They provide a lot of information about the political and social status of representatives of the Kazakh elite in the power system of the Russian Empire, official signs used at the end of the XIX century. The vast majority of them in the museum collection are official badges of regional judges, village elders, village judges, issued by the Russian Empire in accordance with the "Regulations on the Administration of the Turkestan Territory dated June 12, 1886 and the "Regulations on the Administration of Akmola, Semipalatinsk, Semirechensk, Ural and Turgai regions" dated March 25, 1891.

Most of the Phaleristic materials in the museum fund are state awards of the Soviet Union. The exhibits, divided into orders, medals and badges, are evidence of the special merits of the citizens of the USSR to the state and society in various years, in labor, in the defense of the socialist Motherland, in the development of friendship and cooperation between peoples.

A special place at the exhibition is given to exhibits that are state awards of the independent Republic of Kazakhstan. Awards, badges of the highest degree of distinction – "National Hero", orders "Otan", "Dank", "Parasat", "Kurmet", medals "For Honor", "For labor services", "Shapagat" and other various awards reveal the educational significance and content of the exhibition.

The exhibition, presented for the attention of visitors, will be located on a special site in the 3rd hall.

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