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27.07.2017 The exhibition "Al Faisal: witness and martyr"

On 27th July, 2017, the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan opened the exhibition "Al Faisal: Witness and Martyr", where items from the Saudi King's personal collection of the Saudi dynasty of Faisal ibn Abdul Aziz (1906-1975) are exhibited.

With the coming to power of King Faisal (1964-1975) there have been significant changes in the economic and socio-political life of society in Saudi Arabia. During the years of his reign, the country experienced a huge increase in oil production, built a new state infrastructure, carried out a number of reforms, which allowed the country to enter a new level of international cooperation. For many years Faisal ibn Abdul-Aziz al Saud represented Saudi Arabia in the UN. Under the reign of King Faisal, the kingdom became one of the leading powers in the world.

The organizers of the exhibition are the Center for Islamic Studies named after King Faisal and the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The exhibition was opened by the Director of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursan Alimbay, who briefly told about the exhibition. In the opening ceremony of the exhibition with the words of welcome were: the responsible secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Ualiev Kuatzhan Serikkazyuly, the acting Akim of Almaty - Kyrykbaev Arman Orazbayevich, the Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Chairman of the Center for Islamic Studies named after King Faisal - Turki Ibn Faisal Al Saud.    

Speakers outlined the importance of dialogue in the relations between countries in the field of culture and education, holding exhibitions at the international level, which is not only an important cultural event for Kazakhstan, but also contributes to the strengthening of mutually beneficial cooperation between states. By now within the framework of official meetings of Nursultan Nazarbayev with the King of Saudi Arabia Fahd, agreements have been reached in the fields of economy, construction, medicine, transport, energy, metallurgy, health, agriculture and tourism.

A number of projects for the development of networks of underground communications and urban economy are under way. Between the two states an airline has been established. The opening of the exhibition "Al Faisal: Witness and Martyr" is of great importance in strengthening the relations between the two states. The exhibition will serve as a mutual exchange and further development of cultural ties between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  

At the exhibition about 60 items including rare, unique, historical archival documents, Quran, personal items, honorable medals and badges handed to the King Faisal by the heads of various states, photos and etc. will be presented. The types of ceremonial weapons, inlaid with gold and silver are of particular attention. Interactive visual installations that give information about Saudi Arabia complement the exhibition.

More than 500 people including representatives of the public, scholars, Orientalists and the media visited the exhibition.


 the exhibition "Al Faisal: Witness and Martyr"  the exhibition "Al Faisal: Witness and Martyr"
 the exhibition "Al Faisal: Witness and Martyr"  the exhibition "Al Faisal: Witness and Martyr"
 the exhibition "Al Faisal: Witness and Martyr"  the exhibition "Al Faisal: Witness and Martyr"

The work of the exhibition will last until 27th August, 2017.

31.05.2017 The exhibition «Ғылымның қилы соқпағымен: Тәуелсіз Қазақстанның тарихындағы ғалым – тұлғалар».

On 31 May, 2017 at 15.00 in the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of EXPO-2017 in Astana opened the exhibition «Ғылымның қилы соқпағымен: Тәуелсіз Қазақстанның тарихындағы ғалым – тұлғалар».

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan held an exhibition «Ғылымның қилы соқпағымен: Тәуелсіз Қазақстанның тарихындағы ғалым – тұлғалар», in connection with the opening of the international exhibition EXPO-2017.

The exhibition demonstrates scientific works and achievements of scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development of modern Kazakhstani science. With the gaining of independence, the formation of new approaches to the development of science began in the republic. Kazakhstani science has made a huge contribution to the world's scientific treasury, has created not just schools, but also whole perspective directions of science that have taken shape in independent large institutes, brought up and opened to the world a whole galaxy of Kazakhstani scientists.

At the exhibition personal complexes of outstanding scientists of the Soviet period from the funds of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan were presented: K. Satpayev - the founder of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Kh.A. Argynbayev - ethnographer, archeologist, doctor of historical sciences, professor, K. Akishev - archaeologist, one of the founders of the national school, the first female paleontologist B.S. Kozhamkulova, A. Zhirenchin, A.Kh.Margulan as well as personal complexes of scientists of the Independence period – S.Z. Zimanov, M.Kh. Asylbekov, M.Kh.Shalekenov, M. Koigeldiev M. Zh.K. Kasymbayev, E. Ergozhin and etc.

The purpose of the exhibition is to show the contribution of scientists in the formation and development of Kazakhstani science.

The exhibition will last until 31st July, 2017.

25.05.2017 The personal exhibition "Places of crime: the first lightning" by the Swedish artist Tuve Krabo

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan in cooperation with embassies and consulates of foreign countries systematically conducts various events (festivals, fairs, photo exhibitions, art exhibitions) with the purpose to acquaint visitors with the history, culture and art of various peoples of the world.

On 25th May, 2017 at 15.00 the Museum together with the Embassy of Sweden in Kazakhstan officially opens a personal exhibition "Places of crime: the first lightning" by the Swedish artist Tuve Krabo, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of N.A. Nazarbayev’s decision on the closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site and the establishment of the National Nuclear Center of Kazakhstan in promoting the idea of a world free of nuclear weapons in the framework of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Sweden.

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the conductor of the state's political program for a nuclear-free world annually organizes a series of events (exhibitions: "Kazakhstan for a Nuclear-Free World", "Memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki", "Chernobyl - Nuclear Tragedy of the 20th Century", "Antinuclear Movement "Nevada-Semipalatinsk", etc., conferences, seminars, round tables), the themes of which are directly related to the events in the history of mankind: nuclear tests and their consequences in Semipalatinsk and Nevada, atomic bombs in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, man-made disaster in Chernobyl.

Туве Крабо. Выставка "Места преступлений. Первая молния" Туве Крабо. Выставка "Места преступлений. Первая молния"
Туве Крабо. Выставка "Места преступлений. Первая молния" Туве Крабо. Выставка "Места преступлений. Первая молния"

The exhibition will last until 15th June, 2017.

31.05.2017 The exhibition "What does a woman want?". Studio of Indira Bobro-Badambayeva

The exhibition "What does a woman want?"On 31st May, 2017 at 17.00 Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a group of artists-students (studio), headed by Indira Bobro-Badambayeva open the exhibition "What does a woman want?"

Indira Bobro-Badambayeva is an artist, a member of the Artists' Union of Kazakhstan, co-author of the novel "D'Almatintsy", master of painting and teacher.

At the exhibition "What does a woman want?" new paintings of Indira Bobro-Badambayeva were presented: a series of space ballerinas, floral still lifes, beautiful female portraits. More than 70 works of her students: Irina Popova, Tamara Lee, Nelly Kilivnik, Natalia Gurina, Svetlana Troshina, Ludmila Kahn, Asel Aitkozhina which reflect urban, mountain, sea and rural landscapes, floral still-lifes and still-lifes in the Dutch style, genre compositions, copies of famous artists, made with oil painting and watercolors technique were displayed.

Indira's painting is disturbing, noble and solemn, and her power over the viewer old or new, is due to rare talent and skill. Indira is the author of three personal exhibitions. The artist's paintings are in many private collections in Kazakhstan, near and far abroad.

The exhibition will last until 15th June, 2017.

27.04.2017 The exhibition «Сахна саңлағы» dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Khadisha Bukeeva and the 95th anniversary of Baigali Dosymzhanov.

On 27 April, 2017 at 15.00 Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, together with the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan opens an exhibition «Сахна саңлағы» dedicated to the 100th anniversary of People's Artist of Kazakhstan and the USSR, Professor Khadisha Bukeeva, as well as the 95th anniversary of an opera singer, the People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR, the USSR State Prize laureate, teacher-professor Baigali Dosymzhanov.

Khadisha BukeevaKhadisha Bukeeva (1917-2011) is a Soviet Kazakh actress of theater and cinema, a legend of Kazakh theatrical art. She was born in 1917 in the village of Kaztalovka of Oral, now the West Kazakhstan region. In 1938 after graduating from the St. Petersburg Institute of Theatrical Art, she joined the Shymkent Regional Dramatic Theater. From the role of Enlik («Enlik-Kebek» of M. Auezov) began her creative career on stage. In 1942, she was invited to Almaty, to the Kazakh Drama Theater (now M.O. Auezov Kazakh State Academic Drama Theater), on the stage of which she played the roles of various characters from the works of great playwrights of the world and national classics, as well as contemporary plays . Top scenic images of Kh. Bukeeva marked with realistic power and stage expressiveness: Karlyga ( «Karakypchak Koblandy»), Aigerim ( «Abai» by M. Auezov), Kunikei («Kozy Korpesh Bayan Sulu» by G. Musrepov), Katarina ( «The Taming of the Shrew»), Emilia («Othello» by William Shakespeare), Queen Margarita («Richard III» by William Shakespeare), Katerina («Storm»), Negina («Talents and admirers»), Kruchinina («Guilty without guilt» by N. Ostrovsky) Mekhmenebanu ( «Farhad-Shyryn» by N. Khikmet) aunt Aisha («Meeting on Koktobe» by Ch.Aitmatov), Sidzu («One poor on the east» by Kaoru), Thanh («Star of Vietnam» by Kuprijanov) and others. Khadisha Bokeev was awarded high awards, USSR State Prize laureate (1952).

Baigali Dosymzhanov (1922-1998) – an opera singer (lyric tenor), People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1954) was born in 1922 in Semipalatinsk. His singing talent was distinguished by high culture. Since 1944 B. Dosymzhanov on the stage of the Kazakh Academic Opera and Ballet Theater performed the main and leading parties - Tolegen in "Kyz Zhibek" by E.G. Brusilovsky, Birzhan in "Birzhan-Sara" by M. Tolebaev, Aidar in "Abay" by A. Zhubanov and L. Khamidi, etc. He made a significant contribution to the development of the Kazakh national opera.

At the exhibition, personal documents, letters, archival copies of lectures, photographs of Kh. Bukeeva and B. Dosymzhanov from the fund materials of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, portraits of Khadisha Bukeeva in the role of Aigerim in the "Abai" drama (artist A. Galymbaev), and B. Dosymzhanov (artist O. Nurzhumaev), as well as family photos of this creative couple will be presented. Materials from the personal complexes of Kh. Bukeeva and B. Dosymzhanov, provided by M. Auezov Kazakh State Academic Drama Theater - stage costumes, personal items, state awards, etc. are of special interest.

In the opening ceremony of the exhibition veterans, as well as young actors of theater and cinema, teachers and students of the T. Zhurgenov Academy of Arts will take part. The exhibition will be located on the central platform of the 4th hall.

The exhibition will last until 30th June 2017.

«Сахна саңлағы». Openning of exhibition «Сахна саңлағы». Openning of exhibition
«Сахна саңлағы». Openning of exhibition «Сахна саңлағы». Openning of exhibition

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