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29.11.2018 Exhibition "World Press Photo - 2018"

On November 29, 2018, on the eve of the International Human Rights Day, the opening of a unique annual exhibition World Press Photo - 2018 will take place in Almaty, in the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Exhibition "World Press Photo - 2018"Every year December 10, different countries of the world and organizations hold relevant events dedicated to the International Human Rights Day, which was officially approved by the Plenary Forum of the UN General Assembly.

At the World Press Photo -2018 exhibition, the best photos of important events of the previous year will be exhibited. This year, members of the jury reviewed and evaluated over 73 thousand photographs from 4.5 thousand photographers from 125 countries. The number of winners and prize-winners included 42 person. Only in 4 cities of Kazakhstan - Astana, Karaganda, Almaty and Shymkent – Kazakhstani people can enjoy the best photos of journalists from all over the world.

Event speakers:

  • Ambassador of the Netherlands in Kazakhstan - Dirk Jan Kop
  • Exhibition Curator, World Press Photo Representative - Yi Wen Hsia
  • Chairman of the Board of the Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation - Anton Artemyev

About the project:

The World Press Photo -2018 exhibition is an exhibition of the winning works of the most prestigious international photojournalism competition. Each year, an international independent jury consisting of professional photographers and media photo editors evaluates the work of applicants in 9 different categories submitted by photo journalists, agencies, newspapers and magazines from all over the world.

Also within the framework of the exhibition of works-winners of the World Press Photo international photo contest, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands organizes an online photography competition on socially significant topics on the occasion of International Human Rights Day (December 10, 2018). Read more about the conditions:


In Astana and Karaganda, the event has already ended. In Almaty, the exhibition will last 2 weeks. In Kazakhstan, World Press Photo -2018 will be presented for the third time. Prior to this, the exhibition was held in 2013 and 2014. in cities - Astana, Almaty, Karaganda and Ust-Kamenogorsk.

Address and time of the exhibition: Almaty, Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Samal – 1/44; November 29 (Thursday):

Closed tour of the exhibition for journalists with curator of World Press Photo: 17:00-17:55
Grand opening of the exhibition and buffet: 18: 00-19: 00

28.11.2018 The exhibition-competition works of art "Still life on the national theme."

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Center for Decorative and Applied Art "Bakhyt" on November 28, 2018 at 16.00, in the framework of the program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashakka Bagdar: Ruhani Zhangyru" and the announced Year of Youth, in accordance with the Address of the Head of State open the Republican exhibition-competition works of art "Still life on the national theme." Central Museum of Kazakhstan continues the tradition of series of art exhibitions in collaboration with educational institutions of Almaty. Ongoing activities of the museum are aimed at the younger generation acquainted with the national history, culture and art, instilling patriotic feelings to youth and respect for its people, the country and traditions.

The exhibition-competition works of art "Still life on the national theme."In his Address, the Head of State proposed to announce the coming year as the Year of Youth. In this regard, on the eve of the International Students' Day, the museum presents the work of young artists, college teachers in Almaty who will share their professional experience and successes with colleagues and students of educational institutions.

The purpose of the exhibition: the popularization of the historical and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan among young people, a demonstration of the creative works of artists made in different genres and techniques of fine and applied art.

The exhibition "Still life on the national theme" presents more than 100 creative works of teachers of art colleges and universities of Almaty. The exhibition is very diverse in genre directions - painting, drawing, sculpture, decorative and applied arts. Exhibitors perfectly combine the talent of a teacher and artist, as they were also students in the recent past. The compositional decision of each painting is a reflection of the rich, inner and spiritual world of the artist, who has an individuality, his own style and handwriting. Beautiful paintings in watercolor and oil technology; works of decorative art: painting on fabric - cold and hot batik, felt, tapestry; ceramics, etc.

The exhibition consisting of the works of the best young artists-teachers in Almaty gives a complete picture of the high artistic level of the Kazakh art school.

The exhibition will run until December 5, 2018.

19.11.2018 The exhibition “Archival documents about the links of the Ottoman state with the Central Asian khanates”.

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in cooperation with the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmed Yasavi, Eurasian Research Institute and Turkish Cultural Center named after Yunus Emre, with the support of the Turkish Embassy in Kazakhstan, on November 19, 2018, at 16.00, opens the exhibition “Archival documents about the links of the Ottoman state with the Central Asian khanates”.

afisha-osmanskayaThe exhibition reflects the history of the foreign policy of the Ottoman Empire in its relations with the Central Asian countries at the beginning of the XVIII - mid XIX centuries and allow visitors to get acquainted with the archival documents provided by the State Archives of Turkey.

The exhibition presents 40 documents: photographs of manuscripts showing the development of ties between the Ottoman state and the Central Asian khanates, provided by the Ottoman archive of the State Archival Administration of the Government of the Republic of Turkey.

Among the documents are the letters of Kaiyp Mohammed Khan and the Sultan of the Ottoman State Selim II, written in 1713, a copy of the letter of the Ottoman Sultan, sent to the Kazakh Khan Kaiyp Mohammed Khan (August 21, 1713); a copy of the registration book of 10 different gifts of the Kazakh Khan Kaiyp Mohammed Khan (August 21, 1713); a copy of the letter of Kaiyp Mohammed Khan, sent by his envoy Sayid Mohammedkul (January 16, 1714); a copy of the letter of the oral report of Muhammadkul, the envoy of Kaiyp Mohammed Khan (January 16, 1714); a copy of the letter of Kaiyp Mohammed Khan (on relations with the Ottoman state (December 14, 1716); a copy of the report on the trip to Central Asia by M. Lessar “Central Asia No1”; a copy of the map of the Turkestan region, printed in Berlin (1862) and documents stating the facts of the resettlement of the Kazakhs to Turkey.

Scientists, historians will take part in this event, including the State Archive under the Ministry of the Republic of Turkey in the person of the director, professor Ugur Unal.

The exhibition is located in the hall of the museum and will last until November 29, 2018.

23.11.2018 The exhibition "Kaleidoscope of memories" dedicated to the memory of Professor Ibrahimov Ulukbek Sharakhynovich

On November 23 at 16.00 in the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan will open the exhibition "Kaleidoscope of memories" dedicated to the memory of Professor Ibrahimov Ulukbek Sharakhynovich - the founder of the first continuous three-stage system of art education in Kazakhstan, on the initiative of Zhamilya Taken, colleague, artist and businesswoman.

Ibrahimov Ulukbek Sharakhynovich - leader, chief, innovator in the development of artistic education in Kazakhstan. He was inspired by the idea of organizing a continuous three-stage system of art education: a school, a college, an Academy.

In 1988, the first Republican art boarding school was opened in Almaty, where talented children from all regions of Kazakhstan began their education in art. Young artists-teachers: S.Maslov, E.N.Mitrofanova, M.Sapargazinov, Zh.Taken, A.Hakimzhanova, H.Myrzahmetova, S.Nakisbekova, K.Zhakupova, G.Madanov, S.Ayazbayev, S.Tolesh, K.Hairullin, B.Mukhamediev, S.Bashirov, K.T. Bekenov, K.Mamyrbayev, N.Temirov, E.Daulbayev, B.Musabaev, T.Popova, full of enthusiasm with pleasure plunged into the creative and pedagogical atmosphere, they programs were developed in the subjects of fine art: drawing, painting, drawing, sculpture, DPI, methodical manuals, lesson plans, etc. A huge educational work was done by the boarding school teachers, who replaced parents for many childrens. Ulukbek Sharakhynovich himself showed tenderness and paternal care, and some of the students affectionately called him “Batya”!

In 1992, Ibragimov U.Sh. for the first time in Kazakhstan establishes the second stage of Continuing Education - Republican Art College. The college was dominated by an atmosphere of creativity and creation: teachers and students participated in city and republican exhibitions, joined the Youth Association of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and then the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During this period, the ranks of the college staff were added from among the members of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan: D. Aliyev, B. Myrzahmetov, G. Kasteeva, K. Magavina, S. Karzhaubayeva, R. Bazarbayeva, G. Tasimova, H. Kikimov, F. Zhumasheva, Young graduates came: A.Yusupova, E.Akhmetova, M.Eserkepov, M.Toksanbaev, Sh.Raimbekova, Zh.Koshen, G.Maulenova, D.Amandykova, S.Zhumasheva and others.

The idea of creating the Kazakh State Art Academy (KSAA) - the third stage of continuous art education, which was supported by the Ministry of Education of Kazakhstan belonged to Ibragimov U.Sh. In KSAA were transferred to the Department of "Machine" and "Monumental" painting, "Sculptures", "Drawing" from the Theater and Art Institute named after T. Zhurgenov. The faculty was replenished by the National artists of Kazakhstan, the leading figures of the fine arts: K.T. Telzhanov and Kh.I.Nauryzbaev, as well as Zh.Kairambaev, Kistaubaev, A.D. Duzelkhanov, B.E. Umarbekov, B.S. Bolatpaev, M. Kaliev, Suleev, A. Bapanova, S. Bapanova and others.

During five years of work at the Academy, Ibragimov U. Sh. was able to gain prestige among the faculty, thanks to his high professionalism of the leader, and as an experienced manager he was able to unite the teams of three levels.

Subsequently, the Kazakh State Art Academy and the Theater and Art Institute named after T. Zhurgenov united in the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov.

The exhibition will feature works of art by eminent artists of Kazakhstan - companions and pupils of Ulukbek Ibrahimov, made in various genres of fine art.

At the opening of the exhibition, visitors will be shown slides of photos dedicated to the memory of U. Ibragimov, associated with his teaching activities.

Выставка "Калейдоскоп воспоминаний" Выставка "Калейдоскоп воспоминаний"
Выставка "Калейдоскоп воспоминаний" Выставка "Калейдоскоп воспоминаний"

The exhibition will run until December 10, 2018.

12.10.2018 The exhibition "We are your contemporaries!" of artists Zulkhainar Kozhamkulov and Abduakhat Muratbayev

On 12 October, 2018 at 16-00 Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Art Gallery ARTSPACEkz invites to the opening exhibition "We are your contemporaries!" of artists Zulkhainar Kozhamkulov and Abduakhat Muratbayev

Any art is an indicator of the culture of society, so painting is of great interest among the public. Art changes people, opens for them many opportunities for personal growth. At the exhibition paintings of two different authors’ stylists - Kozhamkulov Zulkhainar and Muratbayev Abduakhat, who have in their work their own understanding and vision of this world and convey on canvas the peculiarities of national culture and history.     

Zulkhainar Kozhamkulov is an artist, sculptor, teacher, philosopher, member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, Honored Artist of the International Association “Art of the World” NICOR, and Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan - one of the most active artists of the modern Kazakhstani artistic space. His work has a deep philosophical meaning. The artist is concerned with the eternal theme of love, love for his country; he is fluent in techniques aimed at uncovering subtle psychological nuances, the depth of a person’s spiritual life. The exposition presents portraits of prominent people of Kazakhstan – Dinmukhammed Kunayev, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, Olzhas Suleymenov, as well as Kazakh music and cinema stars Shaken Aimanov, Shamshi Kaldayakov, Bibigul Tolegenova, Roza Rymbaeva, Batyrkhan Shukenov and others. The artist depicted his characters in sharp lines, bright contrasting colors. “These are our heroes of the twentieth century - the century in which we grewn up. I chose those whom I know well. Not personally, but somehow, they mean a lot to me” explains artist Zulkhainar Kozhamkulov.  

Abduakhat Muratbaev is a painter, graphic artist, member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, participant of republican, foreign and regional exhibitions. In 1981 he graduated from the Shymkent Art School and in 2004 the Kyrgyz Pedagogical University in Bishkek. At the exhibition the bright paintings of the author will be presented. In his works, Kazakh national images harmoniously merge with the flow of modernism. Every detail of the picture is important and has its own meaning. Abduakhat believes that “true values are what surround us, and we should carefully treat to each other, nature, then it will reciprocate us ...”.

Compositionally, the exhibition consists of two parts: paintings and sculptural art objects. Particularly attractive are decorative metal compositions located at the entrance of the museum.

The contrast of bright optimism in the paintings of Muratbayev and the philosophical reverie of Kozhamkulov's works reveal the many-sidedness of modern art in Kazakhstan, which is especially interesting for the modern viewer. The exhibition presents 80 works.

Вернисаж "Мы - ваши современники" Вернисаж "Мы - ваши современники"
Вернисаж "Мы - ваши современники" Вернисаж "Мы - ваши современники"

The exhibition will last until 31 October, 2018.

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