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18.04.2019 Festival-Exhibition "Pearls of Kazakhstan"

On April 18, from 15.00 to 18.00, the Museum holds Festival-Exhibition "Pearls of Kazakhstan" within the framework of the implementation of long-term priorities and state programs of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev "Ruhani Zhangyru", the announced Year of Youth of Kazakhstan and the article "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe".

The Republic of Kazakhstan surprises with the diversity of natural zones, national parks and reserves, an abundance of rivers, lakes, forests, enchanting with rich flora and fauna, including the mountain slopes of Zailiysky Alatau and Tien Shan, the steppe expanses of Kazakhstan, known throughout the world and unique in their beauty and virginity - Sharyn, Borovoye, Kolsai, Altyn-Emel, Medeo, etc.

Festival-Exhibition "Pearls of Kazakhstan"The exhibition is attended not only by artists, but also teachers and students of art schools and art studios of Almaty. Among the participants artists Indira Bobro Badambaeva, Marlan Nysanbaev, Kantarbaev Maksat, Kantarbaev Diaz Adamsopieva Nurdana, Kuldybaev Mirlan, Leynveber Lena, Gushchin Igor, Drozdova Lydia, Akhmetov Rina, Suleimenov Rauan workshop "You're an artist" (headed by Mertenovs Dina and Murat), International School of Almaty, N. Nazarbayev Educational Foundation (N. Prikhodchenko), Secondary School No. 65, ArtLab Creative Drawing School (headed by Natalia Li), Da Vinci Art Studio (headed by Isakova E. N.), the creative studio "ArtMixstudio" (headed by A.A. Chernysheva), "Alem art" and others.

The museum’s partner is A. Kasteev School of Art and Design, who annually takes an active part in museum events. At this time, young artists with joy and pride will present their new works, reflecting the theme of the nature of Kazakhstan, made in various techniques – painting, drawing, applied art. The exhibition will show the audience the stages of the formation of an amateur artist from bright fairy-tale fantasy drawings to serious academic works.

The festival will include: a concert with the participation of children's musical groups, a defile-show of flower hat compositions made by children of the art studio “Scarlet Sails”, as well as master classes from A.Kasteev Art and Design School – on pottery, felting, dot painting, linocut, master class on "Kanzashi", "Alla Prima", etc.

The exhibition will feature more than 200 works, different in genre and technique.

The exhibition will last until the end of April 2019.

11.04.2019 The exhibition "Muzdai temir kursanyp ..." (Armoured…) from the collection of craftsmen, blacksmiths, gunsmiths, restorers – brothers Kulmenovs

On April 11, 2019, at 11.00, the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, together with the Zhetysu akimat of Almaty, held the exhibition "Muzdai temir kursanyp ..." (Armoured…) as part of the program "Uly dalanyn zhetі kyry" / "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe") from the collection of craftsmen, blacksmiths, gunsmiths, restorers – brothers Kulmenovs, residents of Zhetysu district of Almaty.

The exhibition "Muzdai temir kursanyp ..." (Armoured…) The Kulmenov brothers – Makhmut, Tursynzhan, Aitbergen are members of the Designers Union of Kazakhstan, founders of modern weaponry art of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Laureates of the XII World Festival of Youth and Students (Moscow, 1985), diplomas of the I degree of the Republican contest "Design yesterday, today, tomorrow" ( Almaty, 1999). Their works were included in the album "Temirshi - Blacksmiths" (publishing house "Oner", Almaty, 2006), ordered by the state program of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kulmenovs are engaged not only with creativity, but also with scientific work. Under their leadership, the Republican Research and Craft Workshop "Kok Bori" (Blue wolf) was created, where students study the technique of reviving the ancient techniques of making decorative arts and metalworking products. The brothers are actively involved in the implementation of state, scientific, historical and ethnographic projects: "EXPO - 2017 - Ethnoaul", "550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate", "Almaty kuni - 2015", etc. For 40 years of research and practical work Kulmenovs were awarded by the sign “Cultural worker” of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2007), they were awarded the International title “For merits to the Turkic world” (Turkey, 2008).

In 2000, according to the sketch of the Kulmenovs, the "Almas Gylish" award was created and cast, which is awarded to prominent cultural and art figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan for services to the Kazakh people and country. Weapons, ammunition, national musical instruments (for folklore orchestras "Otyrar sazy", "Murager", "Sazgen", "Adyrna"), objects of national decorative and applied art (for museums "Batyr Isatai Taimanuly", "Eset Batyr", "Raiymbek Batyr", "Kobylandy Batyr", as well as for many regional historical museums of the Republic of Kazakhstan) were made, restored, reconstructed, recreated by them. In 1993, based on the poem by Magzhan Zhumabayev, the eponymous film “Batyr Bayan” was shot – especially for this film, the brothers produced weapons and decorative arts.

At the exhibition more than 80 items: armor and samples of cold military weapons from Saka times of Kazakh (proto-Kazakh) worriors, musical instruments and other household items from their personal collection will be presented.  

Works of Kulmenovs are in private collections at home and abroad. A large number of scientific documentaries have been made about the activities of the Kulmenovs by foreign journalists (France, USA, Germany, Hungary, Tunisia, Turkey, Poland) and others. The exposition will be supplemented by a documentary film about the process of creating ancient artifacts.

The exhibition will last until April 30, 2019.

15.03.2019 The exhibition “Germany is a country of inventors: the module “research”

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, together with the Goethe-Institut Almaty, on March 15, 2019, at 4.00 pm, opens the interactive exhibition “Germany is a country of inventors: the module “research”.

the exhibition “Germany is a country of inventors: the module “research”Over the past years, the Central Museum in cooperation with the Goethe-Institute of Almaty repeatedly introduced Almaty residents and guests of the southern capital with exhibitions devoted to the history, culture, ecology and language programs of Germany: “From Germany, from the bottom of my heart”, “They speak German”, "Eco-thinking – learning from nature."

Goethe Institute Almaty continues the cycle of interactive multimedia exhibitions. The exhibition “Germany is a country of inventors: the module “research”, created in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Society and the Max Planck Society, has been traveling around the world for several years.

The first exhibition was held in the fall of 2015 in Berlin. Since then, exhibition travels to those cities where there are representative offices and partners of the Goethe-Institut. By March 2019, residents of 30 countries, from Indonesia to the USA, had already acquainted with the exhibition.

In the focus of the exhibition, which tells about the revolutionary inventions in the natural sciences, are both historical discoveries and innovative technologies. The witty sayings of famous scientists acquaint visitors with 7 thematic areas: computer science, energy, communication, medicine, automotive, optics and new inventions.

The materials of the exhibition “Germany is a country of inventors: the module “research” is designed primarily for young people aged 15 to 25 years. They are presented in German, with translations into Kazakh and Russian. Also, visitors will be attracted by interesting video and audio materials, media installations and interactive elements of the exhibition.


 15 марта 2019 г. в Центральном государственном музее Республики Казахстан совместно с Гёте-Институтом Алматы, в год 25-летия Гете-Института Казахстан, открылась интерактивная мультимедийная выставка «Германия – страна изобретателей: модуль «исследования интерактивная мультимедийная выставка «Германия – страна изобретателей: модуль «исследования»
 15 марта 2019 г. в Центральном государственном музее Республики Казахстан совместно с Гёте-Институтом Алматы, в год 25-летия Гете-Института Казахстан, открылась интерактивная мультимедийная выставка «Германия – страна изобретателей: модуль «исследования  15 марта 2019 г. в Центральном государственном музее Республики Казахстан совместно с Гёте-Институтом Алматы, в год 25-летия Гете-Института Казахстан, открылась интерактивная мультимедийная выставка «Германия – страна изобретателей: модуль «исследования


The exhibition will last until April 11, 2019

27.03.2019 The exhibition “Dala aueninin іzіmen” (In the wake of steppe motive) dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the musicologist-ethnographer Alexander Zatayevich.

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, together with the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland on March 27, 2019 at 15.00, opens the exhibition “Dala aueninin іzіmen” (In the wake of steppe motive) dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the musicologist-ethnographer, composer, People’s Artist of Kazakhstan - Alexander Zatayevich.

artist-zataevich-2019In Kazakhstan, A.V. Zataevich, an eminent son of the Polish people, is called the “father of the Kazakh song”, as well as a pioneer in recording Kazakh traditional music. Thanks to A.V. Zataevich in Kazakhstan started music recording of the rich song and instrumental musical heritage of the Kazakh people.

His name was widely known - on the Irtysh and in the Urals, in Karkaraly and Kzyl-Orda, the Bukey steppe, the Orenburg, the foothills of the Zhetysu, etc. People used to tell legends about a person who "makes some notes on paper with a voice, and then reproduces exactly what he just heard."

The exhibition of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Dala aueninіn izіmen” (In the wake of steppe motive) presents to residents and guests of Almaty photographic materials, articles, collections, books, comments and musical notes of steppe melodies from the personal complex of the ethnographer- musician.

A special place in the exposition is occupied by A. Zataevich’s collections “1000 songs of the Kyrgyz people” (melodies), “500 Kazakh songs and kuys” (melodies and instrumental plays), photos of the moment he recording Kazakh songs and kuys. The book “A.Zataevich” of 1958 edition, the letter of Zataevich’s daughter - Olga Alexandrovna to Akhmet Zhubanov (1947) and also the article of academician Akhmet Zhubanov published in the Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR “A.V. Zataevich – is a collector of Kazakh songs and kuys ".

The purpose of the exhibition: the actualization of the creative and musical heritage of A. Zataevich, the study and popularization of the centuries-old oral and musical heritage of the Kazakh people in the framework of the implementation of the key provisions of the state program “Ruhani Zhangyru” and the program article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe".

The exhibition will run until April 30, 2019.

14.03.2019 The photo exhibition “The Way of the Deer”.

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, together with the Consulate General of Hungary in Almaty on March 14,  2019 at 16.00, opens the photo exhibition “The Way of the Deer”.

The photo exhibition “The Way of the Deer”.For many years, the Central Museum has been actively developing cooperation with the Consulate General of Hungary in Almaty. In recent years, Almaty residents and guests of the southern capital have already acquainted with exhibitions reflecting aspects of the history and culture of Hungary: “The Feast of Hungarian Science”, “Hungarian Orientalists”.

In 2019, the Consulate General of Hungary will present the works of the famous photo artist Odon Blaumann, educated as a professional hunter and who, by the nature of his work, was fascinated by the beauty and greatness of the wildlife of his homeland. Since 2000, he began making films about wild animals.

In his collection – 55 DVD movies that are successful in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy. In Hungary, his films are broadcast on the channel Fishing-Hunting. In addition, he made professional educational films for hunting schools and advertising for hunting companies. As O. Blaumann notes: “Photographing and filming the wildlife is my life with love and humility. Every moment in nature amazes with its perfection, and the fact that I can fix these moments are a real miracle for me.” The personal exhibitions of Odon Blaumann were held in the major cities of Hungary – Budapest, Szekesfehervar, Papa, Pecs, Zirc, and also abroad: in Germany (Dortmund), Austria (Salzburg). His works decorated the covers of hunting magazines, the hunting newsletter (PIRSCH, WILD und Hund), calendars of various kinds, were published in newspapers, books.

The exhibition “The Way of the Deer” is dedicated to the memory of rare, hoofed deer-like animals that migrated 10–15 million years ago from Central Asia to Europe and other continents. Their life harmoniously intertwined with the Hungarian nature and had a positive effect on the results of hunting. Hungary has one of the best herds in world comparison, which includes red deer (Cervus Elaphus, gímszarvas), fallow deer (Dama Dama, dámszarvas) and European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus, európai őz).

65 works of photographer Odon Blaumann introduce the nature and wildlife of Hungary. A short film specially made for this event will be shown to visitors.

The exhibition contributes to the strengthening of cultural ties between Hungary and Kazakhstan.

The exhibition is organized with the support of Technodom Operator JSC (Technodom Operator).

The exhibition will run until March 31, 2019

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