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15.09.2020 An online exhibition "National holiday costume of the peoples of China".

The Central Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of international cooperation with the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China on September 15, 2020 at 15.00 presents an online exhibition "National holiday costume of the peoples of China".

an online exhibition "National holiday costume of the peoples of China".The history of the costume since ancient times is a kind of mirror that reflects the past of humanity. Every country, every nation with its own traditions leaves its mark on people's clothes, rules for wearing costumes. From generation to generation, the costumes of peoples convey the wisdom of life, worldview, moral ideals and aesthetic taste. The People's Republic of China is a multi-ethnic country, with 56 different nationalities living on its territory, including Han Chinese, Tibetans, Mongols, Hui, Uighurs, Kazakhs, Manchus, Zhuans, and others. In a long historical process, each of the nationalities created and inherited a unique traditional culture. National dress (traditional costume) is an element of self-identification of the people, transmitting information about habits and centuries-old traditions. National costumes of the peoples of China were created taking into account their way of life. They combine a variety of fabrics, rich colors and styles in an unusual way. Free-cut costumes of the Northern peoples and sophisticated outfits of the southern national minorities perform applied, decorative and cultural functions.

The online exhibition "National holiday costume of the peoples of China", consisting of 58 works, introduces a collection of photographs showing the rich material culture of various peoples inhabiting modern China. Photos tell about the features of clothing, depending on the specific region where people live, gender (women's and men's costume), and purpose.

The joint photo exhibition, presented for the first time in an online format, is a new form of cultural and educational work of the Museum, which will allow online viewers to get acquainted with the diversity of Chinese culture.

Exhibition "National costume of the peoples of China" of the Central Museum of Kazakhstan and the General Consulate of China in Almaty aimed at strengthening international cultural exchange, friendship and cooperation between the peoples of the two countries.

04.03.2020 "A WONDERFUL WORLD THROUGH CHILDRENS’ EYES" exhibition of the participants of the 1st Republican competition of illustrations.

On March 4, 2020 at 15:00 the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the initiative of the designer, decorator, teacher Tyuleubaeva Azhar, in collaboration with Child Development Center «Almaty tutoring» dedicated to 25th anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.

"A WONDERFUL WORLD THROUGH CHILDRENS’ EYES" exhibition of the participants of the 1st Republican competition of illustrations.The first Republican competition of illustrations for the works “Wolf Chapa and others” by the famous Kazakhstani writer Gerold Belger, whose works is the embodiment of friendship and mutual understanding of ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan, launched in 2019, on the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The contest participants were students of 4-11 grades of comprehensive schools and students (1-2 courses) of Kazakhstan colleges.

The aim and objectives of the competition are the creation of copyright illustrations, the popularization of children's works by G. Belger, the support of reading among children, the development of imagination by transferring associations to paper.

The results of the competition were summed up by members of the jury, which included art historians, artists - members of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan, teachers of fine arts, designers, decorators, journalists, representatives of the Central Museum. When selecting works, the author’s creative approach, the originality of the design, the technique of execution, the presence of the composition, the color scheme, the quality of the performance, and the thoughtfulness of the plot were taken into account. The works of the winners will be included in the reprinted in three languages in the collection of short stories by G. Belger "Wolf Chapa and others".

At the exhibition 300 works carried out in various techniques: gouache, watercolor, applique, mixed technique, graphics (feather, mascara). Paintings by children of the art studio “By ArT” of the Center for Child Development “Almaty tutoring" were also presented.

As part of the event, with the assistance of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, museum visitors will be able to get acquainted with documentary materials about Gerold Belger (1934–2015), writer, translator, laureate of the Presidential Peace Award and Spiritual Concord Prize, a member of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan, which published more than 1800 translations from different languages, who wrote more than 50 books, fluent in Kazakh, German and Russian.

Khismatulina Raisa – teacher, faithful companion of G. Belger will take part in the opening of the event.

The exhibition will last until 16 March. 

19.12.2019 The exhibition "Dreams of our childhood" by artists Kulyash and Zhanna Turebayeva

On 19th December at 15.00 family exhibition "Dreams of our childhood" by artists Kulyash and Zhanna Turebayeva will be presented.

The exhibition "Dreams of our childhood" by artists Kulyash and Zhanna TurebayevaKulyash is a graphic artist, illustrator, and teacher at the Department of Architecture and Design at Satpayev University. Kulyash Turebaeva was born in the city of Orsk (Orenburg Region, Russia). Since early childhood, she lives in Almaty. She graduated from the art and graphic faculty of Abai Kazakh Pedagogical Institute, Moscow State Art and Industry Academy named after S. G. Stroganov. Her teachers were the classics of fine art, as V.I. Antoshchenko-Olenev.

At the exhibition artist's work, made in different styles and genres are presented. A special place in Kulyash’s work is occupied by a series of ethnographic paintings – “Grandma stories”, “Ulken azhe (grandmother)”, “Nauryz. On a visit". Her works are included in the catalogs “Competitive works dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan) and “Jubilee Palette” (Almaty, 2019). Kulyash’s creativity is diverse: she carries out orders for painting walls and creating stained-glass windows, is engaged in the development and production of national souvenirs, and has an author’s certificate. She also holds workshops on sketching, a modern and very popular type of drawing (markers, watercolors, pastels).

The exhibition will introduce the works of the daughter of Tyurebaeva Kulyash – Zhanna. From early childhood, she was surrounded by an atmosphere of creativity. The ability to see the beautiful and subtle artistic taste was inherited from mother. Having received an art education at the faculty of "Graphic Design" of T. Zhurgenev Kazakh National Academy of Art, she began her career in KAZGASA, at the Faculty of Architecture as an assistant-professor, then she worked as a teacher at KazNTU (Kazak National Technological University) at the faculty of Architecture and Design, and also taught private lessons at Arapova Design Studio. Currently lives in Turkey, engaged in painting, graphics, and in the manufacture of stained-glass windows and wall painting.

Zhanna is a participant of city, republican and international exhibitions (“Kala Men Dala”; “Zhiger”, as well as “Dort mevsimler” Turkey (Marmaris) and others.

The works of artists Kulyash and Zhanna Turebayeva are in private collections in Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, Israel and the United States.

The works of artists presented at the exhibition express the creative world of artists.

The exhibition will last until January 8, 2020.

12.02.2020 The personal exhibition “SHARAINA” of the well-known cartoon artist, journalist Yerkin Nurazhan.

On February 12, 2020 at 15:00 the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan opens a personal exhibition “SHARAINA” of the well-known cartoon artist, journalist, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Union of Artists, Journalists, and Writers Yerkin Nurazhan.

The personal exhibition “SHARAINA” of Yerkin NurazkhanYerkin Nurazkhan is a well-known Kazakhstani artist who has made an invaluable contribution to the development of such a special genre of fine art as caricature, cartoon (portraiture, friendship).

Since 1982, as a cartoonist, E. Nurazkhan has been working on the creation of a portrait humorous gallery of writers, honored artists, and political figures of the country. During the years of Independence of the Republic, the artist created a series of works characterizing the socio-economic and political life of the country with humor inherent to this genre. Moreover, the author proved himself as a publicist, working on the publication of a number of articles and documentary materials.

The exhibition demonstrates the worldview of a cartoonist and acquaints visitors with a series of cartoons of public people, images of various modern heroes, state and socio-political figures, famous figures of science, culture and art - I. Tasmagambetov, M. Shakhanov, R. Rymbaeva, M. Beisembinov, B. Ayukhanov, K. Bekkhokhozhin, K. Segizbaev, A. Sarsenbaev and others.

The author applies a simple technique to create paintings using paper, pen, ink, watercolor, gel paste and colorful pencils.

Currently, the collection of works of artist includes more than a thousand cartoons and caricatures, 300 of which the author donates to the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At the exhibition more than 200 works will be presented.

The exhibition will last until March 2, 2020.

11.12.2019 Exhibition «The Golden Horde – the cradle of Kazakh statehood» from the museum fund, in the frame of celebration 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde

Openning 11 December 2019 at 15.00

The President Kassym-Jomart K. Tokayev noted that according to the results of the Talas Kurultai in 1269 Ulus Jochi (Golden Horde) gained its full independence. It was also noted about the importance of popularizing the rich cultural heritage of our country, and sacred objects should become places of attraction of Kazakhstani and foreign tourists.

The Exhibition «The Golden Horde – the cradle of Kazakh statehood»The exhibition aims to acquaint visitors with the culture and life of the Golden Horde period based on unique collections, about 300 artefacts of the Central Museum dating back to the 13th-14th centuries will be exhibited. For the first time, the Museum will present fragments of silk fabrics of the ceremonial costume of the highest nomadic aristocracy of the Chaghatayids of the 13th-14th centuries found near Shengeldy (Almaty region).

The exposition is represented by five information complexes:

The section "Equipment of a warrior of the 13th-14th centuries" demonstrates metal belt sets, armaments – arrowheads, a sword, a quiver, etc. A special place is occupied by the collection of unique fragments of silk fabrics from the ceremonial costume of the higher nomadic aristocracy of the Chagatayids of the 13th-14th centuries found at the settlement of Shengeldy, Almaty region by A.K. Akishev.

The section "The Golden Horde cities in the territory of Kazakhstan of the 13th-14th centuries" acquaints with collections of archaeological artefacts from the ancient settlements of the Golden Horde period – Saraichik, Otrar, Kuiryktobe, etc.

Section "The Great Silk Road. Trade. Import Items. Coins" presents import items found in the Golden Horde cities of Kazakhstan, as well as silver and copper coins from the Saraichik settlement, representing the products of 25 mints, including other states of the 13th-14th centuries.

The section "Religions: Tengrism, Islam, Nestorianism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism" introduces a collection of Nestorian tombstones and an icon.

The section "Religious architecture of the 13th-14th centuries" is presented with models and architectural fragments of Saraichik settlement, the Mausoleum of Jochi Khan, Alash Khan, Bolgan ana, Khozha Akhmed Yassaui and others.

The exhibition is of great interest to scientists, archaeologists, historians, teachers, students and students.

The exhibition will last until the end of the year.

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