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10.12.2020 The exhibition of works of children's creativity "Colorful world and I" by the children's studio "Tamos".

On December 10, 2020, the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan opens an exhibition of works of children's creativity "Colorful world and I" by the children's studio "Tamos".

an exhibition of works of children's creativity "Colorful world and I" by the children's studio "Tamos".Where does art begin? At first, the child takes a special interest in drawing, sculpting, or making crafts. This passion for art grows, new knowledge and skills come, and after that the moment when the child realizes that he/she can express what he/she has learned in the studio comes. At the children's art exhibition, growth from the beginner's initial timid attempts to the more confident works of children is obvious.

Studio "Tamos" welcomes children with a team of professional teachers who develop them in various directions. One of them is the creative time in the art room. The studio is occupied by children who love to draw, sculpt, glue, in a word, create something with their own hands. In their free time from the main classes, children work under the guidance of an experienced teacher of fine arts, a member of the Union of Artists of the Kazakhstan, graphic artist Ibragimova Gulnara. The atmosphere of a creative spirit and a flight of imagination reigns here. Acquaintance with new materials and possibilities, non-standard approach and implementation of ideas, creative flight of thought - all this can be seen in children's works.

The exhibition demonstrates more than 80 works of participants, aged 5-6 years. Works are performed in various techniques: drawing, applied arts, modeling, application etc.

 The exhibition will last until December 21, 2020.

09.12.2020 The International Exhibition of author's dolls and Teddy bears.

On December 9, 2020 the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in cooperation with the Creative Union of puppeteers of Kazakhstan "Asia Doll", will open the International Exhibition of author's dolls and Teddy bears.

Exhibition of author's dolls and Teddy bears.More than 40 puppeteers will take part in the exhibition - from Kazakhstan (Almaty, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kokshetau, Taraz, Temirtau, Nur-Sultan, Semey, Altai), Belarus (Brest), Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek), Russia (Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Kaliningrad, Barnaul), working in various techniques: doll made of polymer clay, textile doll, felt dolls. The exhibition will demonstrate modern trends and features of the art of making dolls, as well as with the collections and works of leading masters, the best doll artists of Kazakhstan and The Commonwealth of Independent States. Within the framework of the exhibition, a long-term project "GOLDEN AGE OF THE SILK ROAD" will be presented, where a special place in the exposition will be occupied by author's works on the subject of the Silk Road: these are the characters of the fairy tales of the peoples of those countries along which the Silk Road route passed, the theme of ethnic costume, collective images of animals and people corresponding to that time, and etc.

The exhibition will last until December 25, 2020.

The Central Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan and "Asia Doll" invite you to visit the exhibition of dolls.

15.10.2020 The photo exhibition " The power of senses. GERMANY 19/19"

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Goethe-Institut in Kazakhstan, with the support of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, will present the photo exhibition " The power of senses. GERMANY 19/19" within the framework of international cooperation from October 15, 2020.

The exhibition displays photographs that introduce visitors not only to 18 emotional states of a person, but also to the history of democracy and dictatorship in Germany. Those demonstrate the turning points and events that characterize the socio-economic and political development of the country over the past 100 years. Materials of the photo exhibition tells about various feelings and states of people, such as: "Inspiration", "Anger", "Pride", "Trust", "Envy", "Curiosity", "Hope", "Indignation" and others.    

Describing this exhibition, German Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs Heiko Maas said: "Senses have been and remain the engine of reforms and democratization processes, as well as the subject of political instrumentalization and manipulation. Politics is made by people, and therefore it is permeated with senses as well as our daily life. It is difficult to make sense of these senses: resentment or fear can blind you, trust could be lost or taken advantage of, empathy can be blunted, and envy can take over. Hope and inspiration can lead to both good and bad. The exhibition materials show exactly what we need in modern political discussions: less anger and fear, more passion for democracy. It's worth fighting for together."

The authors and organizers of the photo exhibition are well-known German historians Ute and Bettina Frefert, the Memory, Responsibility and Future Foundation and the Federal Foundation for the Study of Dictatorship. The exhibition includes about 130 photographs, including the works of a recognized German photographer – Regina Schmecken, as well as materials provided by the Federal archive and the Federal press office and other organizations.

The photo exhibition will be presented offline and online in social networks – on the Museum's Facebook page in four languages (Kazakh, Russian, German, English).

The opening of the exhibition (for press) it will be held on October 15 at 15.00.

26.11.2020 Online exhibition of the International Independent Women's Fundation of Artists "Tan Sholpan".

On November 26, 2020, the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan is holding an online exhibition of the International Independent Women's Fundation of Artists "Tan Sholpan".

 The online exhibition of the International Independent Women's Fundation of Artists "Tan Sholpan".International Independent Women's Foundation of Artists "Tan Sholpan" was registered in 1998. In the same year, the first exhibition was held in the “Tengri Umai” gallery. The name "Tan Sholpan" is associated with rebirth, dawn, morning star.

In 2019, after a long break, the Foundation resumed its creative activities. During this period, each participant gained new experience in creative and organizational work, realized their self, went through the stages of personal and professional growth. The Foundation provides an opportunity for talented artists to open up and show their creativity in the world art space, they are all united by their love for art and creativity; each of them has their own vision and own concept.

The exhibition demonstrates the creativity of young talented artists who are constantly in search of new directions, expressiveness of form, plastics and composition of their own artistic language. Through the work of female artists, we can understand and recognize that a woman's strength is not only in her ability to preserve her integrity and individuality, to learn, to respect and love yourself, live in harmony with yourself. But also in the fact that a woman is creating artist, thinking creatively and looking through the prism of her views on life, embodies all her fantasies, thoughts and experiences in her creative work. Metamorphoses of present life, events and whole inner world are present in the works of the participants in this exhibition.

The online exhibition presents about 100 of the best paintings and graphic works, works of decorative and applied art. These are the works of famous Kazakhstani and foreign artists. The exhibition will be presented online on social networks - Facebook, Instagram and the Museum's You Tube channel in 3 languages (Kazakh, Russian and English).

01.10.2020 The exhibition "Amazing painting" (collection of Chinese porcelain from the collection of the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan).

On October 1, 2020 at 15.00 Central State Museum of Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of International cooperation with Consulate General of China in Almaty opens the exhibition "Amazing painting" (collection of Chinese porcelain from the collection of the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan), dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

 "Amazing painting"Chinese porcelain is one of the most important components of Chinese culture and art. Porcelain products demonstrate the art of painting on porcelain and reflect the centuries-old traditions of Chinese masters who, since ancient times, in various epochs created their works, which are a precious contribution to world art.

In the Museum's collection of the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan occupies a special place collection of ceramics and porcelain, the origins of which were founded in the second half of the 19th century (the so-called Orenburg period of history CSM RK). At that time, the first exhibits that came to the Museum were "donated" by private individuals and were mainly household items dating back to the 18th-19th centuries. Among them are products made of various types of ceramics that are of interest and attract attention with their beauty and elegance of forms.  

The exhibition "Amazing painting" consists of 3 sections: samples of archaeological excavations, porcelain as a high art of artistic ceramics, fancy fine forms of artistic ceramics. The exhibition presents more than 60 unique exhibits from the collection of the Central Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan: products made of porcelain, earthenware, ceramics, copper, clay. Archaeological ceramics, representing the types of pottery found on the territory of Talgar (Talhir), which came to us along the great Silk Road is of particular interest. These are bowls and plates made of Chinese porcelain of the 11th-12th centuries, belonging to the Song dynasty, found during the excavations of the ancient city of Talkhir (Talgar) near Almaty. An interesting collection of porcelain dishes with floral patterns and Chinese patterns, acquired in Orenburg in the 40s of the XIX century, a collection of vases, including a vase belonging to Ch. Valikhanov, taken by him from Kashgaria, as well as tea ceremony items from different years of the XX century. Gifts (vases and Souvenirs) are of great interest) to the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev from the leaders of the People’s Republic of China.

Products painted by Chinese masters differ in quality, beauty, elegance of forms, originality of decor, variety of forms and subjects. The bright, unusual beauty of Chinese landscapes, Buddhist temples and saints, elegant forms of palaces and pagodas, plant ornaments, smooth lines of flower compositions, drawings, hieroglyphs — all this speaks of the highest skill of artists.

The exhibition will allow true art lovers to get acquainted with the Museum's collection of porcelain and get great aesthetic pleasure from the contemplation of Chinese porcelain.

 The exhibition will last till October 31, 2020.

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