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28.11.2019 The exhibition «The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev for a nuclear-free world»

On 28 November 2019 at 15.00 opening of the exhibition «The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev for a nuclear-free world» dedicated to the closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.

The exhibition «The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev for a nuclear-free world»One of the first steps of Independent Kazakhstan in the fight against a nuclear-free world was the closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. The Semipalatinsk testing area was created by a decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on August 21, 1947. The first nuclear explosion was carried out in the early morning of August 29, 1949. Explosions and tests of atomic weapons affected people's health and the environment. The last explosion was carried out on October 19, 1989. In this year, the famous Kazakhstani public figure Olzhas Suleimenov created the Nevada-Semipalatinsk movement, uniting supporters of the cessation of nuclear tests around the world.

On August 29, 1991, by the Decree of the President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev, the testing area was officially closed. «Kazakhstani strength and power are not in demonstrating nuclear muscles, but in rejection from it. And this has become the core of our statehood – popular wisdom, elevated to the rank of a nationwide idea. Virtually, on August 29, 1991, a new era of global nuclear history began» the Head of State said about this event. This document was the first international act of sovereign Kazakhstan.

Recognizing the merits of Kazakhstan, which voluntarily abandoned the world's fourth nuclear potential, the UN General Assembly declared August 29 as International Day against Nuclear Tests. This was the first time in world history that a nuclear test site was closed in accordance with the will of people. Kazakhstan has become the leader of the global anti-nuclear movement and the epicentre of peace.

The exhibition aim: to show the role and place of Kazakhstan in the world community, the contribution of Kazakhstan to nuclear safety.

Documentary materials of the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Committee for the International Anti-Nuclear movement "Nevada-Semipalatinsk" and books from the Central Scientific Library "Gylym Ordasy" will cause great interest.

The exhibition will last until 20 December 2019.

27.11.2019 The exhibition "Poland – 15 years in the European Union"

The exhibition "Poland – 15 years in the European Union"On November 27, 2019 at 16:00 in the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within the framework of cooperation with the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Almaty, the exhibition "Poland – 15 years in the European Union" will open.

Photographic materials reflect historical Poland’s entry into the European Union and changes in all spheres of the country's life over 15 years: science, economics, culture, sports and tourism infrastructure, environmental protection, restoration of historical sites, etc., as well as Poland’s participation in international missions and EU operations.

The exhibition will last till December 8, 2019.

22.11.2019 г. The exhibition of physically challenged children’s drawings “Bakytyma senemіn” (I believe in happiness)

Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 22 November, 2019 at 14.00 opens the exhibition of physically challenged children’s drawings “Bakytyma senemіn” (I believe in happiness), dedicated to the “Day of physically challenged people of Kazakhstan” together with the Production Center “KS - production” and the Public Foundation “Charitable Foundation for physically challenged people of Kazakhstan “Land of Good Deeds ”.

Annually, the Republic of Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of physically challenged people.

The purpose of this event is to draw public attention to the most vulnerable segments of the population and the existing problems of humanity, to increase the level of knowledge of the population about the provision of social, psychological and medical assistance, as well as to destroy stereotypes generally accepted in society and to show that these are the most ordinary children who have the same needs and opportunities, like other children. The participants of the event are very talented and creative. Children embroider, draw, weave, sculpt and much more. And this proves once again that there is no limit to perfection "Opportunities are limited, abilities are unlimited".

The action is held to remind people that these children are on a par with all members of society, they need support and social protection.

The event is aimed at adapting physically challenged children to a normal life. There are 60 children of Almaty with a different form of the disease.

As part of this event will be held: an exhibition of drawings; a concert organized by the KS-production Center with the participation of Zhanna Orynbasarova, Aizhan Nurmagambetova, Zhamila Serkebaeva, Venera Nigmatulina, Anton Mitnev, Nina Zhmerenetskaya, Parviz Nazarov and Aida Ayupova, museum tours and presents to children from museum partners.

At the exhibition amazing multi-thematic works of children aged 10 to 16 years, made in different techniques: wood carving, molding, embroidery, appliques, etc. will be presented. Each child’s participation helps to reveal his/her potential.

The action was supported by: ZUGO HOME TEXTILE, Bostan LLP, AMIRAN LLP, Maxi Chai JSC, Aksainan LLP, Nestle Food Kazakhstan LLP, Red Crescent Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "Meyіrіm" Charitable Foundation.

The exhibition will last until November 28, 2019

09.12.2019 The exhibition «Құрбан болған тұлғалар»

the exhibition opening «Құрбан болған тұлғалар»On December 9, 2019 at 15.00, the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan will host the exhibition opening «Құрбан болған тұлғалар», dedicated to the 125th anniversary of an outstanding personalities of Kazakh people, victims of Stalin’s repressions, legendary Kazakh poet Ilyas Zhansugurov, outstanding poet, writer and talented playwright Saken Seifullin and satirist-writer Beimbet Mailin.

According to historical data, more than 40 million Soviet citizens were repressed in 1930-1953. During this period, 40 percent of Kazakhs were killed. In particular, representatives of the intelligentsia of all peoples and nations of the Soviet Union were subjected to illegal punishment. In the republic events dedicated to the 125th anniversary of those who have dedicated their lives to the prosperity of the Kazakh people are held. In this regard, the main purpose of the exhibition is to preserve the memory of the country's outstanding personalities among the younger generation, who in the 30-40s became victims of political repression.

At the exhibition clothing from the personal complexes of S. Seifullin, I. Zhansugurov, B. Mailin, T. Ryskulov, S. Khodzhanov from the funds of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan will be presented.

To the attention of visitors the working cabinet of representatives of intelligentsia of those years, as well as the seal, gold watch, cigarette case, bag and other materials that belonged to S. Seifullin will be displayed.

The exhibition was jointly organized by the archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Central Scientific Library “Gylym ordasy”.

The exhibition will last till January 9, 2020.

25.10.2019 Personal exhibition “Auyl - el besіgі” of the artist, teacher Zhumadilkhan Kerimbek.


On October 25, 2019 at 16.00 the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan opens anniversary personal exhibition “Auyl - el besіgі” of the artist, teacher Zhumadilkhan Kerimbek. The exhibition is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh National Agrarian University.

Personal exhibition “Auyl - el besіgі” of the artist, teacher Zhumadilkhan Kerimbek.Zh. Kerimbek is not only a scientist, teacher, publicist, poet, but also a gifted, distinctive artist with great tenacity in achieving his goals, great industriousness. In 1986, he graduated from the Agronomy Department of the Kazakh Agricultural Institute in Almaty, and defended his doctoral dissertation in biology in Turkey (1998). He currently works as a senior lecturer at the Kazakh National Agrarian University.

The works of Zhumadilkhan were repeatedly exhibited at the Central Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A new series of works dedicated to his native Auyl (village) is presented to the attention of Almaty residents. The works of Zh. Kerimbek, imbued with a special aura of love for native land and people, reflect everyday culture, traditions, and customs of Kazakhs. These are recognizable images and plots: everyday life and scenes from the life of the villagers, beauties of the nature of the native village, the rapid running of horses, national holidays – “Kara zhorga”, “Before Sunset”, “Almaty (view from Koktobe)”, “On the tapchan” , "Summer Day" and others. The work is sincere and close to each of us. The author devoted his works to nature of his native land. These are steppes and mountain ranges – "Mountains", "Mashat 1 pass", "Mountain River", "Native Land", “At the Spring" and others. It is not difficult for him to write a landscape of different times of the year "Autumn", "March Snow", "Summer evening". His landscapes are, first of all, the paintings dear to his heart, which he remembered from his earliest childhood. It is from here his love for mountain and steppe landscapes and valleys flows. The artist knows and reflects the life of the Kazakh village, depicts the life that he himself experienced.

His themes: women pouring koumiss and bustling near the cauldron, a family resting on tapchan after a working day, young people dancing at holidays: “Waltz”, “Dance of Zhigits”, “ Grandson ”,“ On the Tapchan ”,“ Music ”,“ Well-fed sheep ”,“ On the hunt ”. The artist likes to experiment with material, works with acrylics, gouache, ink, oil, creates complex genre compositions filled with movement and light, embodying swiftness, brightness and originality. His graphic works and works from the Turkish cycle, in black and white, distinguished by the richness, expressiveness and laconicism as “Remembering Turkey”, “The City of Konya Selchuk” are also interesting.

Zh. Kerimbek is not limited to teaching at the Kazakh National Agrarian University, he is in constant creative search: he writes scientific and journalistic works, poems, is the author of a number of journalistic, educational and methodical works.

At the exhibition more than 80 works are presented.

Personal exhibition “Auyl - el besіgі” of the artist, teacher Zhumadilkhan Kerimbek. Personal exhibition “Auyl - el besіgі” of the artist, teacher Zhumadilkhan Kerimbek.
Personal exhibition “Auyl - el besіgі” of the artist, teacher Zhumadilkhan Kerimbek. Personal exhibition “Auyl - el besіgі” of the artist, teacher Zhumadilkhan Kerimbek.

The exhibition will last until November 6, 2019.


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