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16.02.2022 Exhibition of the community of artists of Almaty "My Kazakhstan – my family"

On February 16, 2022, at 15.00, the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan will host the opening of the exhibition "My Kazakhstan – my family" of the community of artists of Almaty "Apple Palette", dedicated to our Republic.

The exhibition "My Kazakhstan – my family" of the community of artists of Almaty "Apple Palette"The "January events" that took place served as an occasion for artists to reflect on the values of life, the significance of each of us - the hometown of Almaty. The most active artists reflected the events that shook our country and conveyed their feelings, support in their works, showing patriotism and love for their country. The works of artists are not only the authors' view of the events taking place, but also part of our history.

The exhibition brought together more than 35 artists who presented to the visitors works of various genres - painting, watercolor, graphics, decorative and applied art and other.

The works of art presented at the exhibition demonstrate how dear our corners of Almaty are, how much we love the history of our city, the history of each building. As noted by the community "Apple Palette": "We value what constitutes the happiness and freedom of our life. This is the beautiful nature around us, the happy life of absolutely all residents, native everyday life in the bustle of the usual working routine, favorite hobbies and, of course, well-being and peace in our country."

This exhibition is dedicated to these bright feelings and hopes of the artists of Almaty.

Some works of artists will replenish the funds of the Central Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Those who wish to purchase works can contact the curator of the exhibition.

Organizers: CSM RK: 2644650, Curator - Lidiya Drozdova - 8 705 2178976

09.02.2022 Republican exhibition "Babalar uni"

On February 9, 2022, at 15.00, the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan will host the opening of the republican exhibition "Babalar uni" with the participation of teachers of artistic labor of Kazakhstan.

The exhibition "Babalar uni" The goal of the project "Babalar Amanaty" is to unite teachers of artistic work throughout the republic, to connect the basics of education with the upbringing of the younger generation in the future, and also to convey to the viewer the subtleties of works of different genres, deeply immersed in history.

This year marks three years since the creation of the national project "Babalar Amanaty". The project includes members of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Eurasian Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Union of Crafts and creatively engaged teachers of art work of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They regularly participate in international exhibitions: Turkey, Greece and Central Asian countries.

Kodekov Kanagat - head, curator of the project "Babalar amanaty", winner of the "Best Teacher-2021", member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, author of four international and national collections of artistic works and professional artists "Babalar Amanaty". "Babalar amanaty" is a collection of the best works and works of international professional artists and talented teachers of art work of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Collections of works were also published for the 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi, the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayuly, the 90th anniversary of Mukagali Makatayev, the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.

More than 800 teachers, creative teachers from all regions of the republic, teaching subjects of artistic labor, united in this project in order to popularize pedagogical art at the national and international levels.

Currently, the pedagogical community of the country is working tirelessly to teach the younger generation the secrets and subtleties of national fine art, through art introduces them to modern artistic trends, forms aesthetic education, a correct understanding of beauty and beauty, works to popularize the national art of Kazakhstan.

The exhibition presents more than 40 works by teachers from different cities of the republic (Karaganda, Atyrau, Aktau, Shymkent, Mangystau, Pavlodar, Semey, Ust-Kamenogorsk), reflecting the national culture, history, traditions and customs of the Kazakh people, the beauty of nature of Kazakhstan.

The exhibition will last until February 23, 2022.

02.12.2021 Anniversary exhibition of the community of artists of Almaty "Apple Palette"

On December 2, 2021, at 15.00, the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan will host the opening of the anniversary exhibition of the community of artists of Almaty "Apple Palette". The anniversary is symbolically held as part of the Celebration of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

 Anniversary exhibition of the community of artists of Almaty "Apple Palette"The community of artists "Apple Palette" was created in 2017 in Almaty. The name of the group is symbolic. Almaty is a city of apples. The second meaning is sacred, which is symbolized in the Bible as the apple of knowledge. What is the main meaning of the artist's mind expressed in? There a number of questions arise: "What is the meaning of art? Why do artists paint? What drives them?" And all these questions can be answered by the creative team of artists of the "Apple Palette" community.

The purpose of the exhibition is to show new original works, fresh creative ideas related to the symbol of the community "Apple Palette".

A group of artists of the "Apple Palette" sums up their active artistic activity for five years in order to show their professional level, their achievements in terms of creativity and in which direction they should move on. Openness and democracy contribute to the success of the group. In 2019 at the Congress of the Union of Artists of the Agricultural Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Apple Palette" was noted as the most active group of artists in Almaty. Over the past five years, has held 16 exhibitions, 35 sketches (trips to creative plein-airs in Russia, Georgia, Latvia). In the jubilee year, the community includes 67 artists, including members of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan and figures of Kazakh art, Honored Artists of Kazakhstan. All artists are different, writing in their own styles and different genres of contemporary art. A distinctive feature of the anniversary exhibition is that the artists' works are made on round canvases.

The Group has established contacts with many museums and galleries in Almaty, as well as with the Bi Art Gallery of the International Academy of Latvia (Riga), with the Union of Artists of Georgia, artists from around the world. In recent years, artists from Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Georgia, Bulgaria, France, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Azerbaijan have participated in international exhibitions of the Apple Palette.

Founder and head is Lydia Drozdova (Kazakh art worker, member of the Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the French Academy "Mondial Art", member of the Expert Commission on Fine Arts of Kazakhstan of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London); Curator - Igor Gushchin (member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Sciences named after G. Derzhavin, member of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London); Art Manager - Marlan Nysanbayev (Kazakh art worker, member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ambassador of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London).

The exhibition will last until December 14, 2021.

06.12.2021 Photo exhibition of scientist-ethnographer Tattigul Kartaeva " FROM THE DIARY OF AN ETHNO-EXPEDITION "

On December 06, 2021, at 15.00 in the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the opening of photos of the scientist-ethnographer Tattigul Kartaeva under the name " FROM THE DIARY OF AN ETHNO-EXPEDITION ", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, will take place.

Photo exhibition of scientist-ethnographer Tattigul Kartaeva " FROM THE DIARY OF AN ETHNO-EXPEDITION " Tattigul Kartayeva – professor at the Department of Archaeology, Ethnology and museology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of the scientific research center "Museology and memory". The head of the candidate thesis is professor Nursan Alimbay. Scientific direction: historical ethnography, ethno-archaeology. The author of about 300 scientific and popular works is the head of fundamental scientific research projects: "Traditional methods of water supply in arid zones of Kazakhstan: ethnological and geoarchaeological approaches" "(2018-2020); "Ethnographic and geoarchaeological study of landscapes in desert deltas of Kazakhstan: historical phases of adaptation and degradation" (2020-2022). Under the scientific leadership of Tattigul Kartaeva, wells of Zhangir Khan "Khan's well" and "Khan's garden and Khan's mosque well" were transferred to the museum-reserve of the Khan's Ordasy of West Kazakhstan region (2019).

Geo-archaeological and ethnographic complex expeditions conducted under the scientific leadership of Tattigul Kartaeva: ethnographic expeditions Syr-Aral, Darialyktakyr (2012-2020); West Kazakhstan and Mangistau regions (2018-2019); Chu-Ili Valley, Kyzylkum (2021).

In the course of ethno-expeditionary research, along with the existing types of wells of active use, some types of old-timers wells that are endangered and require immediate protection were also identified. Photographs showing such forms of economic activity as the construction of cattle paddocks, animal accounting, for example, tagging camels, as well as housekeeping and observance of rituals are presented on the mode of life of Kazakhs living in the territory of Northern Kyzylkum, Aralsk and Mangystau. Particular attention is paid to the preservation of ethnographic monuments in the sacred places of the Syr-Aral and western regions of Kazakhstan – mausoleums, types of stone tombstones, kulpytas, sandyktas, koitas, koshkartas, as well as types of stone carving, as unique examples of ancient decorative and applied art of the Kazakh people.

During the opening of the exhibition by the author will be presented two books under the title "Baritanym: Expeditionary research", "Sutanym: Expeditionary research".

The photo exhibition will last until December 20, 2021.

03.11.2021 Exhibition "Constitution of May 3 (1791) - the first democratically adopted Constitution in Europe"

On November 3, 2021, at 15.00, the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan will host the opening of the exhibition "Constitution of May 3 (1791)", organized by the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Almaty and the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The exhibition "Constitution of May 3 (1791)"The exhibition is dedicated to the 230th anniversary of the first modern, democratically adopted constitution in Europe. Constitution of May 3, 1791 "Konstytucja 3 Maja (1791)” it was adopted by the Four-Year Sejm, the estate-representative body of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - the personal union of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The work on drafting the constitutional act began on October 6, 1788 and lasted 32 months; the document, designed to eliminate the shortcomings of the country's political system, was adopted under the name "Government Act" (in Polish "Ustawa rządowa", "State Charter").

Part of the exhibition materials is devoted to publications on the adopted Constitution of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which was translated into English and French (the merit of the Polish ambassador in London - Fratsiszek Bukaty, who organized the translation of the Government Law). The first mention of the proclamation of the Constitution on May 3 appeared in the Leiden Gazette, then in the English newspapers - The Times and The Morning Chronicle, the Paris Gazette Nationale oula Moniter Universel.

The exhibition presents archival materials - manuscripts of the Constitution in Polish 1791 and photo documents, publications about the Constitution from the Central Archive of Historical Records of the Republic of Poland.

Scientists, historians, representatives of the Diplomatic corps and international organizations are invited to the opening of the exhibition. The exhibition will be officially opened by the Head of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Almaty Consul Mr. Jerzy Timofeyuk.

Exhibition "Constitution of May 3 (1791) - the first democratically adopted Constitution in Europe" Exhibition "Constitution of May 3 (1791) - the first democratically adopted Constitution in Europe"
Exhibition "Constitution of May 3 (1791) - the first democratically adopted Constitution in Europe" Exhibition "Constitution of May 3 (1791) - the first democratically adopted Constitution in Europe"

The exhibition will last until November 16, 2021.

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